Sugarawa X Reader X Kageyama ( In the Closet)
Another whistle was heard throughout the place, Suga smiled as he gained another score it was their practice match with the other team and he was very happy he was able to play again with his team mates. Next week will be another match he plays sub when Kageyama was on rest, and he was very fine with it. You smiled at him as you handed him another bottle of water, he pecked you lips as you smiled kissing the side of his lips.
The team knows your relationship with their mom figured setter and they are more than happy for him and you to be together. Across the court was his kohai, a younger setter aside from him, he smiled at the young blacknette who was serving a very powerful serve for this set. You nudge the older guy as he turned around to you
y/n: I am getting jealous here Suga" you smiled as you put your hands behind his back, he love this kind of gestures he enjoyed you soft hands and soft caress even things like small touches and small peck. It was enough for him to know you love him dearly and you do know the same when she shows his works.
Suga: I am just concern about Kageyama, he hasn't talked to you for a while now. Do you think he hated the idea of being in relationship with us?" he added as you two walked in the bench where you two sit together side by side. You hum in response knowing what he means; recently Kageyama entered your relationship with Sugarawa. You were currently in an open relationship with him and Sugarawa, after explaining things to him he get it off really good and decided to try it out.
y/n: Now that you mentioned, he still got flustered when I try to approach him do you think he feel shy towards he still?" as you hold Sugarawa's hand in the process. You turned to look at Kageyama who just finished a very perfect served as he looked at your side he flushed red and hide his face as he jog towards his other team mates.
Sugarawa only smiled in respond " I think he is still not used to the situation, let't give him some time to pick up the things and if he needs us lets just be here to him, What do you think y/n" he asked the smaller figured beside him who only smiled in respond and a soft nod. " I think that will be our first choice now, I hope he comes to me really soon I kind of wanted to hold his hair and his face ,isnt' he cute" you smiled at him as Sugarawa only nodded in agreement.
Suga was happy Kageyama liked you, he knows well that the freshman has this special feelings towards the girl he was in love for so long. He was hesitant to offer him to join the relationship knowing that it was not that common but he still decided to try it out and knowing Kageyama was willing to try it out because he loves you is enough to make him at ease.
Suga: "lets ask him later to walk with us home okay" as he tighten the grip on your smaller hands, you lighten up upon hearing the idea as you smiled to him showing how happy you are. " That is a really good Idea Koshi" as you peck him lips once more.
Kageyama's side: It's normal to feel awkward around those two " as he looked at you two from afar ' they've been together for so long and I am here new into this situation yet I wanted to try" as he grip the ball tighter. Suddenly the small sunshine comes to him
Hinata: what's the matter Kageyama,. Your face looks really dark are you planning in scheming killing someone?" he asked unknowingly who Kageyama wave in instant
Kags: I don't have time with your non sense, lets practice bokeh" as he walked towards the center of the court. taking once last glimpse of his lover and his sempai before he set another hard power serves to the young sunshine boy. " tsk"
Hinata: OY don't destroy me" as he tried his hardest to try to return those powerful serves. As Kageyama jumped high throwing the ball in the court, He tried his hardest to focus hitting the ball in the middle of the air. He also mentally prepared himself to hit the flying ball serving it to the other side, but before he can accomplished this, a quick scene flashes into his mind.
You on top of him with exposed chest and skin, luxious lips and sweaty division, he blushed hard as he missed the ball hitting the floor hard with a very loud thud. All the members run towards him including you and Sugarawa. You tried to him the younger boy into a sitting situation but when he saw you his face turns white as his nose blustered out some blood.
Daichi: OMG Kageyama are you alright?" he asked as he tried to him the younger setter, the other members were in panic because there is already blood in his shirt.
Sugarawa: Let's take him in the nurse office" he offered helping the younger setter up, as he support its weight
y/n: we will be back Daichi, please continue your training" as the three of you made your way to the nurse office. Upon reaching the nurse office, you checked where she was but she was nowhere to be found. Sugarawa settled the blacknette in the bed as he tried to find some cotton balls with alcohol to help his nose. You stayed beside Kageyama as Sugawara tried to find things he needs to help the younger boy.
Kageyama slowly woke up as he saw you he blushed immediately; he avoided your eyes as you looked at him quizzically. You poke his cheeks and he shake in embarrassment, remembering the reason why he was there now is enough to make him shy in front of you.
y/n: Tobio why are you avoiding me?" you asked and he turned to you, he shook his head frantically
Kags: I am not avoiding you sempai it's just I am .. I a... still.. ughh I am still shy" he blurted out which makes you smiled in response. Sugarawa arrived with the things he needed to treat the boy, he sit beside the bed as he offered you the tray to help with the cleaning of his nose
y/n: you don't need to be shy in front of me, or us you know we will accept you who you really are " as you clean his bleeding nose. He let you do your job as he stayed there silently waiting for the next things to happen. After you stop he looked at you, he saw you smiling he smiled in response
Suga: See" he smiled, Kageyama only blushed as he tried to avoid your eyes once more, but before he could you grab his face shocking him in the process. You smiled at him before saying few words " I don't like being ignored sweet heart" as you smashed your lips with him, he sit dumbfounded not knowing what is happening. You slip your wet tongue inside his mount playing with his own soft muscle.
After few second, you felt him respond to your kiss as he put both of his hand on your hips supporting your weight and to make you steady. Sugarawa only watches from the side line, it was your first time kissing Kageyama like this he normally settled with pecks and small kisses.
Kageyama fight for dominance and you lose it either way as you pull away from him, you saw him blushing madly you pet his head and kiss his forehead. " I love you blue berry boy" you peck his nose as he blushed again, he only nodded as he hugged you tight.
Suga: such a child" as he pat the head of the younger setter, from there on he knows that Kageyama will open up a little more to you and him.

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah