Second Chapter ( The Knight) Iwaizumi Hajime
He walks with grace and a firm looks in his eyes, he was summoned for a very important job this time finding the princess of his Future king. He was trained to be the head leader of the army he already killed many dragons and saved many princess and villages. This will be the same he will get this job done no matter what happened. He arrived at the hall he bowed to the king
Ushijima: " I have summoned you to retrieved a princess for me Iwaizumi" He stared at him blankly
Iwa: " Yes My lord, can I please have something to check her feature and so I can determined the maiden?" he respond while bowing at him. Ushijima walks to him and handed him a crystal ball which shows few pictures and memories of the girl
Ushijima: " This is the girl you need to find. Bring her to me and I will recognized your job as the head royal court army"
Iwa: " My lord are you saying that you will move my rank ?" he asked shocked
Ushijima: " of course you deserved the highest position in the army in this kingdom, but be aware that I do no take failure lightly Bring her to me and you will be rewarded" He walks to his throne again "Go, so you can get her soon, I bid you my blessing as for your success"
Iwa: "Yes your highness" And he left the hall, looking at the ball he stared at the girl for few seconds. Something about her is off something her cannot pin point but gathered his army enough just in case they will need to fight and march forward to the said valley.
Arriving at a very vast forest which said to be the valley, he cannot see any village or any kingdom.
Iwaizumi: " everyone we will camp here please prepare" as he goes down to his horse checking the location " It said in the map it should be right here" he saw a small lake the clear water drawn him, as he walk near the lake he noticed something. The moon reflect the water and the water is only going on way ( means it's being sucked into something) Following where the water go, he found a cave. Checking for enemy he took his sword and goes in the cave. Few minutes of walking he reached the end of the cave. He was shocked to see the valley and the vast kingdom he was looking for. It was sunny there but from where he is it was already night he was confused but decided to stroll around the village to ask. He reached a little girl and ask her
Iwa: " Hello there little one can I ask something to you?" he bend down politely
The little girl smiled at him, and stood up and nodded
Girl: " yes mister? What do you want to know?" as she twirl
Iwa: " I was looking for the ( insert kingdom name here) is this the kingdom in the map?
Girl: " yes mister, this is that kingdom" she smiles " but why are you asking?" she ask curiously
Iwa: "Ohh nothing I was about to pay the King a visit" he lied
Girl: " Ohh the king, he was the most gentle king ever" she smile , after that a certain girl walks past the tree calling out the name of the girl. The girl recognized her and called her out to meet the knight
Girl: " _____-chan, I am here" she smiles
y/n: " there you are, are you done picking up some herbs and flowers?" she smile, Iwaizumi was shocked to see a very lovely girl no maybe a goddess is the perfect description. Or an angel. He didn't noticed that he was already staring at her. The girl has her hair in a loose braid and with normal commoner clothing.
y/n: " hello, how can we help you?" as she smile, her eyes twinkles like the star and her voice was like a music to iwaizumi, he blush a little then he blush more.
Girl: " mr? are you alright? Your face is red?" he asked concern
y/n: " you are not from this land are you sir? What business have you come to deliver?" she ask politely
Iwa: " ohhh I am sorry I was about to pay the King a visit" he respond
y/n: " I see well then sir, Good luck" she smile and took hold of the little girls hand and began walking, her hair swaying back and forth
Iwa: " She's an angel" he slapped his face to wake his self " focus Iwaizumi the princess you need to find the princess" He walks away to the cave and gathered his army to go in the cave.
In the Kingdom ( Karasuno Kingdom) The king allowed and accepted the visit because people who can enter the kingdom had pure heart and they were able to pass the barrier, Moving on Iwaizumi cannot get the girl out his mind. He yearns to meet her again. Every time he will remember the girl his face blush thousand shades of red and other of the army seems to be so curious about it.
Next chapter ( The King of the Karasuno High)

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah