Daichi Sawamura X Reader
The familiar captain of Karasuno slumped down on the floor as he eyed a very beautiful girl across the gym, they were in a training camp to train with other schools and players but upon arriving so he noticed a very eye catching girl. Her hair flows and looks a million times smoother than any girls, the other teams are sure to notice the lovely girl. She was the new managed of the Nekoma male volleyball and as they've heard she is Kuroo sans cousin. Sugarawa was looking at his friend with concern, he know that's Daichi was ever the shy type that can't even ask her name or such.
Suga: you should really try to talk to her, Daichi" he said as his friend closed his eyes and sigh
Asahi: " you've been looking a her the whole break, just try to converse" he added
Dachi: "it's just I don't even know what to say, what if she thinks I am a freak?" he said concern
Suga: " we will never know if you won't try won't we?"
Daichi:" Also she is Kuroos' Cousin, he might not like any male trying to talk to her" with that another familiar voice comes behind them.
Bokuto:" Well it is true he is a bit possessive with her, but never the less he respect her moods" he said
Suga:" hey Bokuto kun, Akashi kun" he said
Akashi:" hey. Your break time still on?"
Asahi:" yep"
Bokuto:" but yeah if you wanted to know her just go straight up to her, she was really nice and really sweet"
Suga:" you spent time with her?"
Bokuto:" well when Kuroo visited our school she was with him, she draw too much attention from the males from our school but she is cool, she gave us bentos and it was so cute" he said
Akashi:" Bokuto is right in that she might be one of the sweetest girl we've ever seen, the whole team likes her in instant and most of them adored her smile.
Asahi:" guess you have competition Daichi" he said
Suga:" just talk to her"
Akashi:" ohhh our break is done see you guys later"
Suga: thanks see you"
Asahi:" hey she is making her way here" as he pointed the walking girl towards them, Daichi has a visible blush on his face
Suga: you do the talking Daichi"
As the girl reached the small group she smiled brightly at them, making them all blush while Killing Daichi slowly
y/n:" Hi Kuroo san wanted to know what kind of dinner would your team wants. We are the one who will be preparing food today so we wanted to know your choice" she smiled
Daichi: Ohh food? Hmmm? Umm? I./.I. umm? How about? Takoyaki?" he blurted out, realizing what he said he blushed, the girl in front of him smiled and giggled shyly
y/n:" that is not a dinner food but what more do you want to have?" she smiled
Daichi:" how about Grilled barbeque?" he said steadily, the girl smiled and bows
y/n:" okay thank you" she runs back to Kuroo
Suga taps Daichis back " good job making your first impression"
Asahi: heheheh you did fine, except the takoyaki" he tease
Daichi:" shut up, let's go back to practice"

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah