Kyoutani Kentarou X Reader
A loud groan was heard all throughout the gym as an angry and confuse male with gold hair sits on the corner of the place this has been going for a while now. Themembers of the Aoba Joshai team was confuse as to why he was acting like that ever since the start of the practice today. He slam the ball on the wall making the wall emit such strong and loud echo throughout the gym very scary to be heard at least, people outside thing that the volleyball team were lighting up some bombs
Hanamaki: whats with him?" he as his other friends who are actually more curios than ever
Issei: I have no idea but this was actually the first time I saw him act like that" as he walked nearer his friends who was now making a small group
Iwa: what are you doing? Practice is still on going why are you slacking off?" he ask as the said masculine ace joined the small group of males
Issei: well were confuse and curios why your dog is acting like that" he put emphasis to the word "YOUR" as he pointed out the angry freshman who hit another loud smash on the wall, that poor wall is enduring such pain
Hanamaki: scary" he added as he watch the scene unfold in front of them
Shigeru: he was grumpy everyday but today is a really bad one" he added as he hold the volleyball on his right hand making his voice as low as possible for he actually am scared about Kyotanis wrath
Iwa: about that?" he think for good few seconds as the other members wait for his response
Issei: what is it Iwaizumi?" he asked the ace, Matsun waiting with anticipation
Iwa: he was really into this girl from other school he met in the training camp" he said as the guys looks confused and not getting the point. Iwaizumi then nodded as he added thoughts to his words
Shigeru: what?" he asked once more
Issei: I don't get it" he added again
Hanamaki: a girl? what does it has to do in this matter?" he asked sounding confuse
Iwa: well he doesn't know how to approach a girl and he ends up scaring her in the process" he added as the teens stood there dumbfounded not sure if they will laugh or cry about the misfortune of their hard headed and stubborn kohai.
After few seconds the group started to burst out laughing as they realized what Iwaizumi had said, but not long as Kyotani realized this he comes in with full power shouting at them
Kyotani: SHUT UP!!!!" he said and the other members started to run, only Iwaizumi stood his ground when Kyotani approach the small group. He eyed the ace as he hung his head low, Iwaizumi only pat his head
Iwa: just go talk to her, I am sure she won't run away this time" he said making the guy blush a bit
He was right, you were not scared of him but that time all things were in a very worst timing and in a very unconventional moment of his and our life. You were Oikawas cousin from other country but you are not attending the same school because you don't want to be bother by Oikawa and his group offan girls you decided to attend which wasa very good choice. Everything was well until you joined the training camp, you were being a very nice girl helping here and there and the team you were helping with was very happy about this.
Aakashi: good job y/n" as he help you with few things, you only smiled at him as you two walk towards the gym doors. Aakashi was called out by the captain of the nekoma and had needed to leave you for a while he was force to join some practice match that the cat captain made, you didn't mind at all you admired the soft and gentle man.
You were lost in the place and you have no idea where to go to right now, you tried to trace you way back but you failed miserably. Not until you saw a figure who was walking towards somewhere you run up to him thinking and hoping he can help you get back in the gym.
y/n: excuse me can you please help me?" you called out with soft voice, he heard you right but decided not to pay attention to you. You run behind him trying to get his response audible, until he faces you still speaking words you never though a person will speak to you
Kyotani: Get lost Bitch" he said as he eyed you with stubborn eyes, after few seconds he realized what he said and decided to talk again but he was shut up once you started to run away. He face palmed hard as he look at your smaller form run away from the scene.
You managed to find your way back to the gym but you were sad and angry about what that gut told you. You found out his name is Kyotani and he is from your cousins group which you avoided at all means and cost. You didn't even talk to Oikawa about it since you know well he will make big deal and drama about it.
The only person you talk about this is your best friend Iwaizumi and your close vice-captain Aakashi. Nobody knows about that but everyone noticed your sudden change of moods throughout the week of training, you also noticed him looking at you way every now and then like he was about to plot a kill to you.
He once saw you when you talk to Iwaizumi and Iwa-chan explained that he was always like that even to his sempais. He was stubborn and hard headed which you head is very hard to deal with, you might not just be used to his actions but it was his normal life and that is something you don't want to be part of.
You were now walking home alone and thinking about what happened when you heard something behind you, turning around you saw two drunken man luring near you
Man: ohh lucky us a cute school girl, hey why don't u have fun with us" as he walked near you, you threatened to run when he grabbed your hair forcing your back with him. You were scared and wanting to cry but hey took hold of you really well that you cannot even manage to scream for help.
Your vision started to blur and you know well this will be a danger to your life, not until you head one of the man groan painfully and after that you heard a loud thud to your right. You fall down the ground but soon were lifted up with a gentle hand, as you slowly turned to look at your savior, you were shocked to see a concerned eyes and shocked face looking at you. There stood the male who called you bitch one in your life but this time he is not scowling or angry looking at you. He was in pure concern look
Kyotani: are you alright?" he asked as he slowly and steadily help you out, your tears started to pour as you saw him you grab unto his jacket as you cry your hearts out, the two man's stays in the ground as they groan in pain and after few more seconds the Aoba Johsai came running to the scene.
Iwa: are you okay y/n?" he asked you concerned, as he saw you hugging their stubborn dog
Issie: never beats the dog in running" he said as he pants for air, seeing the two grown up man in the ground he got the message
Hanamaki: call the police" he said as he took of his jacket to offer to you
Oikawa: Y/N_CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN" as he run towards you " are you okay, mad dog chan started running when we saw you took a sharp turn" he added
Iwa: good thing he did if not who knows what might had happened to you" he sad
y/n: thank you, Kyotani" you said above whispers making the boy blush, Iwaizumi only nodded in agreement
Iwa: also Kyotani" he added " you can now let go of y/n" he said as he point out that Kyotani is actually hugging you " she is fine I guess" he added which made the young boy blush releasing your immediately
Kyotani: sorry" he said, just like that you started to like the stubborn dog, you smiled and nodded
Iwa: we will walk you home" he said as he grab your bag leading the small group to your place
To be Continued

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah