Kuroo X Reader ( Sexy Thigh )
Today was another practice for the Nekoma males volleyball team and you were dazing out in the middle of practice as always you were sometimes had hard time focusing in the practice time, it's not wholly your fault you were currently looking at your boyfriends' sexy legs which is something you cannot just ignore I mean he looks really sexy in those black knee pads. Today was special because we were wearing a long knee pad that goes along under his short, the same one that Bokuto san wore in practice. You momentarily imagined him more and with that your face blushed red, you tried to calm yourself down but it was not really working.
y/n: I should seriously ask him to not hang around Bokuto that much, he gets some of Bokuto sans mild objections and attiture" you smiled as you finally started writing your new regime for practice. Next week will be a very interesting week your team was invited to have a practice match with Fukorodani and the team was really excited about it they also yearns to prove the needs to improve their play and so they are pushing their limit to practice now.
Kenma: Kuroo. y/n- chan is staring at you again" with the mentioned of your name he whips his head to his friend with a very confused face, the whole team knows about your relationship with the bed head captain and it was no secret you two were in love. But they come to notice you're staring at their captain during most of their practice times.
Kuroo: she always does that and I don't really mind" he smirks a bit "and beside she is my girlfriend so she can stare all she wants" he snicker as he run towards a ball to slam it. Kenma only sigh from it , they kind of wanted to know why you actually stare at Kuroo that way, but Kenma knows if really well why?. After long hours of practice it was finally over the team was gathered to have a short meeting and of course Kuroo will be doing some talking in some point.
You were sitting beside Kenma at this moment, Kuroo just started speaking about plans and such for the practice match but you can't even focus to him unless you won't look down to marvel at his amazing thigh. You felt a small poke on your side turning your view you saw Kenma mouthing few words which you caught easily. "Your staring too much" with that you blushed and nodded as you try not to stare at you boyfriends amazing body specially hi amazing thigh. This is really hard for your not to stare from this point on.
After the meeting, the group walked out the school together while others went ahead due of some errands. Your small hand was held strongly by Kuroo which you failed not to notice about his constant staring on you. You sigh at this you just can't tell him that you've been staring at him for so long not to mention his glorious thigh. It's not normal for a girl to stare at someone else legs and especially if that person is a guy.
Kuroo: y/n is there anything wrong?" he asked and you shook in disagreement not wanting him to worry about you that much. You only look at him and smiled " I'll see you tomorrow" as you let go of his warm hands which he missed in that moment, you started walking towards your home as he eyes you from his spot. He smiled and nodded " Good night" he mentioned last.
Running towards your room you slam the door open as you flop your whole being on the fluffy mattress, your whole body tremble with pain it was a very rough training and you too sometimes need to do some running here and there. You groan as you took your phone out to txt Kenma
"what should I do I can't stop thinking how great Kuroos legs was"
"chill he is your boyfriend and I am sure he don't mind"
" just don't stare at him too much"
"I can't I can't stop myself to marvel how great his thigh was ohhhh so sexy" with that your face flushed as you flop your phone to the bed, waiting for Kenma to reply but instead of your anticipated txt ring you were greeted by a call ring which was heard throughout the room. Picking up the phone you saw it wasn't Kenma but Kuroo, you nervously placed your thumb on the key pad as you press it.
You gulped as you press answer " hello?" you start off " So that's the reason why you kept staring at me" with the sudden confrontation your head spins you accidentally press end call. When you did you immediately check your sent message and yeah lo your stupidity. The last message was sent to Kuroo and not to Kenma, you gulp not sure what he will do tomorrow or what could happen tomorrow.
Another ring and you saw a message from him " I'll see you tomorrow" with that you shakes in excitement you really love it when Kuroo play sly even sometimes he ends up scaring you. But the thrill is vividly enjoying. And you began to wonder what will happen tomorrow you bury your face on the pillow as you snicker. " Cat and Rat" who is the cat? And who might be the rat with that you slowly drifted to sleep thinking what will happen tomorrow.
Morning came and as usual Kuroo will pick you up on your home to walk together to school, when you saw him in the gate he looks and acts normal. He smiled and offered to intertwine your fingers with him the rest of the walk is normal. He didn't even mention what happened last night and its beginning to make you nervous.
Lunch time arrived and he was still acting normal and it was making you anxious, you drop your head on the table as you felt a tap on the crown of your head lifting your head you saw your cat gamer friend you smiled at him as you watch him take the sit in front of you.
Kenma: what happened last night you didn't replied back to me" he asked as he pulled his gaming console from his pocket you only look at him as you sigh
y/n: I've sent the message to Kuroo by accident and now he is acting normal which freaks me out really" you said as you mumble the last few words.
Kenma: I am sure you will be fine just don't go on provoking him" you nodded as you think over the things he told you " See you tomorrow" you gulp when you remembers it. Like you were about to stand your boyfriend made his appearance in the front door, he smiled as you as he usher you to come to him. Kenma only nodded at you as he mumbled "go" and with that you walked toward him. His facial change when you were close enough to him.
Kuroo: practice is earlier for us I'll meet you around 3 in the gym" with that he walked away, you stood there shaking in excitement.
y/n: It's on CAT" you smirk

Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)
Fanfictionjust a sweet awkward experience I write when I feel it and when I am in mood I can also accept request so yeah