Halloween Special

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I don't own One Piece.
Also, this is not a legit chapter, meaning what happens in the chapter does not retain to the actual plot.


If I had to say so, this island that we landed on was strange. Not a single person here was dressed normal. Every citizen had a mask covering their faces, and their outfit appeared to match their mask. Apparently, I was the only one who thought this was weird.

"Katsu! Let's go get costumes!" Nami smiled, grabbing my wrist to drag me off the ship.

In protest of stepping foot on the island, I dug my heels into the grass. "No." I glared, leaning my body away from here. "The people here are freaks. Why the hell are they wearing that stuff anyway?"

Robin and Nami blinked in confusion at my statement. "What?" Nami muttered. "What are you talking about?"

With my free hand I pointed towards the strange people on the island who were wearing the masks. "Why the hell are they wearing masks and stuff? Why are they trying to hide their identity?" I narrowed my eyes, "It's suspicious. They could really be marines waiting to capture pirates."

"Or, it's Halloween." Nami raised an eyebrow, letting go of my hand to place her hand on her hip.

"Eh? Halloween?" I asked, raising my own eyebrow.

"You don't know what Halloween is?" Robin questioned, which halted all the conversation on the ship as they looked at me.

"What?!" Luffy and Usopp shouted, running to shout in my face. "You don't know what Halloween is?!"

Not disturbed by their closeness, I shook my head. "No, but it looks weird."

Luffy shook my by my shoulders. "It's the best holiday! You go door to door dressed as something cool and they give you free food! Sometimes they give you meat!"

Usopp blinked, "Meat? Where were you trick or treating? You do that for candy!"

"What?" I muttered, "So the whole point of the holiday is to beg for food?" I paused, "Oh, that's why you're supposed to dress up. If you dress up before you beg for food it will help hide your shame."

"You're both wrong!" Sanji shouted, "Halloween is a time for beautiful women to dress up in beautiful costumes without any shame!"

Instantly I found myself wrapping my arms around myself. No way was I going to be doing something like that. I looked at Nami, "I'll pass."

Robin giggled, "Actually you're all wrong. Halloween actually used to be called All Hallow's eve. In some cultures they celebrated their new year on November first, because that marked the end of the summer harvest and the beginning of a dark and harsh winter. Around that time winter was often associated with human death. Those cultures believed that on Hallow's eve, the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred."

By now Usopp was cowering behind me, as well as Chopper. I didn't mind Chopper using me as a shield, but Usopp was a different matter. "On the night of October 31, tonight, they celebrated Hallow's eve which was the night they believed the ghost of the dead returned to earth. They believed that the spirits that returned helped make it easier for priests to make predictions about the future. In return for having their fortune told, the people would offer animal sacrifices to these priests as well as burn crops. While telling the fortunes, the priests would often wear animal skins and heads."

While Usopp's attention was on Robin, I summoned a soft wind to go down Usopp's back. He stiffened, glancing hiding him. I smirked before listening to Robin again. "A century later, another culture combined their believes with this. Though their objective was to honor a goddess, in which the Goddess's symbol was fruit and trees."

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