Chapter 67: Some chamomile tea helps

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I don't own One Piece

3rd POV

Everyone had noticed the anger in Katsu's voice and movement, her movement more abrupt and her steps slightly louder then normal. Though no one knew what had set her off for sure. When she walked away, nobody made a move to stop her.

However Sanji had heard the pain in Katsu's voice. He knew when a woman's heart was hurting, and he was certain this was one of those times. The cause wasn't straight-forward, but it only took Sanji a few moments to piece together that it was something from her past. He wasn't surprised with that either, considering she had regained some memories which were bound to cause pain. Considering the situation, Sanji figured it was most likely something to do with Katsu's mother.

As a gentleman he knew he had to do something. Though Sanji knew Katsu enjoyed her own space and likely wouldn't enjoy being bothered much at the moment. Which lead him to the decision to make her orange chamomile tea.

It suited her preferred flavors, and has a nice soothing effect. Plus, he could just leave it on her desk without having to bother her.

"Excuse me, but who exactly is that girl?" Jimbei asked, looking off to where Katsu had disappeared to. While she clearly didn't like him, he had a feeling it wasn't because he was a fishman though he wasn't completely positive. "She really doesn't seem to like me."

"Eh, Katsu?" Luffy blinked at Jimbei. "What makes you think she doesn't like you? She likes everyone."

The crew stared at their captain before sighing. He was a helpless case.

Sanji shook his head and looked over at the fishman. The man was clearly confused, as was the chef. "Honestly, it isn't like Katsu to just not like someone for no reason. Though she's quick to form an opinion. she won't straight up hate someone like that." Sanji sighed, tapping out a few cigarettes. Lighting up one he turned and strolled towards the ship, he needed to start on the tea.

Chopper nodded in agreement, wanting to defend the crew's artist. "The only people I've seen her straight out dislike from the start are other doctors or marines, but that's not it. It must be something from her past. We won't be of much help though, since we're all in the dark about it. But I'm sure she'll come around to liking you soon!"

It wasn't necessary that Jimbei wanted to be liked by Katsu. It did bother and confuse him that she was so cold to him personally. While at first it could be written off that she just dosen't like fishmen, after seeing how she reacted towards Shirahoshi Jimbei was left confused. It was as if he had done something already to get on her bad side.

The situation didn't help that she looked a lot like a friend of his. Though her hair didn't match, she had similar facial features.

A loud laugh from Luffy snapped Jimbei to attention, his eyes going to the rubber boy. "Don't worry! I'm sure Katsu likes you!"

Franky shook his head at Luffy before looking at Jimbei. He had a good feeling he knew the issue, as Mamoru had made a comment to him before about warlords.

"Don't take it personal." Franky said, gaining Jimbei's attention. "The man that raised her didn't like warlords if I remember correctly. I'm sure he just rubbed off on her."

The fishman blinked in surprise. Part of him still couldn't shake the idea that she just doesn't like fishmen. It wouldn't exactly be something new to him if that were indeed the case. Perhaps Franky was right, and it was only because he was a former warlord. Though even that left him unsure of how to go about things.

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