Chapter 26: The Flying Fish Riders

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I don't own One Piece

Also, I'm not sure if it is Caime or Keimi. I've seen both spellings, but in the manga that I have I've seen it spelt Caime, so I'm gonna stick to that.

Having only left the crew for a few minutes to grab my sketchbook, as well as a strap on my weapons, I hadn't expected much to change. However, as soon as I made myself comfortable on deck, I learned we were going off course to save the Mermaid's friend.

I should have known something was bound to change. Especially when Luffy is following his stomach. He's already been promised a free meal upon the safe return of the mermaid's friend.  I swear this Captain of mine would start a war if he was promised food afterwards.

My attention didn't last long on Luffy. Instead I had quickly turned to Nami, whom I had noticed was strangely quiet and held a worried look in her eyes. A frown had settled on my lips as I stared at the navigator. She had already dismissed me when I had asked what was bothering her, stating she was fine. I don't believe her, but I also didn't push her. She would tell us when she was ready.

"I should probably warn you," I looked over to the starfish, whom I learned was named Pappagg. "It's not just the one gang kidnappers around these parts. The Shabondy Archipelago is home to many more gangs. Trading in human beings is big business around here."

"Disgusting." I clenched my hands, looking away from Pappagg and onto the ocean surrounding us. I've already been informed of the business that goes down there. Mamoru's friend that visited often warned me of it. Though he assured me if I ever found myself there he wouldn't let such things happen to me. Not that Mamoru ever allowed me to actually go and visit his friend.

"And since Mermaids can fetch a particularly high price the Makuro crew, a gang of three fishman, have been after Caime for sometime now." Pappagg continued. I glanced at Caime, her smile had dropped into a unsettled frown. "As for Hachi from the Takoyaki shop," Pappagg sighed, his frown deepening. "Well since we were eaten by that beast and didn't come back for a while he probably thought the Makuro crew had gotten their hands on us, and went after them himself."

"Yes," Caime frowned, looking down to the ground guilt clouding her eyes. "That must be it. Hacchin is such a kind, honest person. It's all my fault."

With a sigh I stood up and patted the mermaid's head, gaining her attention. A soft grin spread across my face. "Ah, don't think like that. It may be your fault, but you just need to put all your effort of feeling guilty into getting stronger. At least strong enough to protect yourself, that will give a little relief to your friend."

Her frown didn't lift, but I also didn't miss a little shine in her eyes. "Thank you, Katsu-chin."

Our attention was brought back to Pappagg, who crossed his arms. "But to think they would bring the Flying Fish Riders into this."

My grin dropped into a frown. "Those guys?"

"You've heard of them?" Franky looked at me, raising an eyebrow with a frown on his face.

"Yeah, one of Mamoru's friends would visit us on the island. They're fairly new, but they're strong enough to gain a name quickly." I tapped my bottom lip in thought. "Though I can't say what their leader looks like. He apparently always wears a mask."

"Yes!" Pappagg nodded to me, "He wears an iron mask. From what I heard he's looking for someone. He's been searching every ship that passes through these waters."

I frowned at the thought. Who could he be looking for that was so important? Glancing around my crew I shrugged, whoever it was they weren't on this ship.

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