6: Comic Con Vlog

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Pt. One

Sebastian asked you to go to Comic Con with him this year

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Sebastian asked you to go to Comic Con with him this year. You happily accepted, considering you have always wanted to go, but could never find the time.

You have been reading comic books since you were 8 years old, Captain America being your favorite. You've always had a crush on Bucky Barnes, and it's crazy thinking you are dating the guy who portrays him.

You get to the center where Comic Con is being held. You are holding Sebastian's hand and you squeeze it when you see the huge crowd.

"Okay, so, you have about 10 minutes before your panel starts. You mike will be on your seat on stage."

You turn on your camera, and hit record. You start to speak, but Seb interrupts you.

"Wait, is it recording , right now?!" He says, moving to look into the camera. He laughs afterwards. "Hello, (y/n)'a fans!"

You smile and start to speak. "Hey guys! Today I'm at Comic Con with my boyfriend, and I'm gonna do a little vloggy vlog about it, so get ready!"

Part 2 up next 😏

Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think! And I'm taking requests so if you want that, then look at the chapter titled "requests" to see what to do 😊😊

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