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I am so sorry. I haven't updated in forever. You guys probably hate me. It's just really hard. I'm depressed and anxious, and I actually sort of feel a little suicidal? I hate it. I just needed some time by myself.
But hey, I'm reading The Hobbit now and that makes me feel better. I'm 32 pages in and I love it almost as much as the movies.
Anyways... 🙋 Hands up if you're a Hobbit nerd like me!

"Have you taken your medications?" Sherlock asked, moving little closer on the couch. He was in the middle of trying to comfort John. They were on holiday, in a nice little quiet town eight hours away from London. Away from stress, work, and the fatherhood of a baby girl. They were in their hotel room. John was curled up on the couch, feeling hopeless and depressed.

"No..." John whispered, glancing up slightly at Sherlock. "I haven't."

"Maybe that's part of the problem." Sherlock rubbed John's back softly. "You need to take your pills."

"I know." He said. He stood up and went to his medicine bottles. He almost opened them, but then shook his head. He threw them across the room. Sherlock was startled and looked up. John curled up in the corner, pulled his legs to is chest, and started to sob.

Sherlock got up. He walked to his boyfriend, sitting down on front off him. "John. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" John asked.

"Because I ruined your night yesterday. That doesn't mean your entire life will be horrible." He moved John's hair back and kissed his cheek.

"No... it just means that I'll never be happy. Because when I am, you're just going to ruin it." He frowned and looked up. Sherlock pulled him close and kissed the side of his head.

"It'll be okay, John. Just relax. Okay?" He smiled and took John's hand, standing up and pulling him up. "We should just relax for awhile. Why don't we cuddle on the couch and watch something you like?"

John was quiet for a moment, before softly whispering. "The Hobbit?"

Sherlock smiled and hugged John. "Sure. I'll set it up. Just get comfortable, okay?"

John sat on the couch and watched as Sherlock brought him a bowl of popcorn and a fizzy drink from the small refrigerator.

He set on the first movie of The Hobbit (Which was a series of movies that John liked mostly because he really felt like he connected somehow with Bilbo, and Sherlock the same with Smaug...) and sat down next to John under a big blanket.

John started to feel a little better by the time the dwarves intruded on Bilbo's home, and eventually forgot their little fight.

Sherlock wrapped an arm around John, kissing his cheek. "If you were shorter and had harrier feet, you'd be exactly Bilbo."

John looked away. "I wouldn't be."

"You have the same face, John."

John looked back at Sherlock. "Well, the actor sure has a stunningly handsome face, my Dear. It's not the same as mine, but just as strikingly handsome and sassy, yet soft and sweet."

Sherlock chuckled softly, ruffling John's hair. "You're adorable."

John cuddled into Sherlock, sighing softly. "You are, too."

"Thank you." Sherlock kissed the top of John's head, then whispered, "Maybe next Halloween, you should dress up as Bilbo."

"Then what would Rosamund be? She practically eats like a Hobbit already."

Sherlock thought for a moment. "Well, she could be Gandalf." Sherlock giggled.

John rolled his eyes. "God, her fathers are absolute nerds."

Sherlock giggled again, embracing his boyfriend. "And I'd be Smaug."

"But I wouldn't have the ring to make me invisible." John looked at Sherlock, who just sort of smiled shyly and played with John's hair.

"You'd have an even better one." Sherlock said.

John looked at him, confused. Sherlock just looked back to the screen, silent. John decided not to pry, and looked back to the screen.

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