366.The 1.5 Case

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"Mr Holmes--"


"If you'd just let me--"

"No~!" Sherlock hummed, taking up his violin and putting it under his chin.

The man in the doorway sighed, frustrated. He turned to John.

John nodded. "Yeah, he's not going to listen to you. Might as well leave."

"But Dr Watson--" He was cut off by Sherlock playing a very sharp, fast tune on his violin.

"We~ do~ not~ take~ cases~ like~ yours~" Sherlock said, an annoyed and sing-songy tone to his voice.


"Out! Your case is a 1.5!" Sherlock slashed his bow through the air and jumped up from his seat.

The client regarded him for a moment, then stomped downstairs.

John looked back to his newspaper. "That was rather mean."

"Rather boring, more like it. I need something to do."

John looked up at his friend. "So you've got it, then? Did you solve it?"

"Obviously, the man's a liar. Coming here reassures a point of worry, concern, like he was impacted, too. A victim. But he isn't. He did it, John, didn't you see how the man rolled up his sleeves?"

"And you're letting him walk off because that's boring?"

The sound of police sirens outside made Sherlock smile.

"Not quite."

John smiled back. They shared a chuckle and John shook his head, turning back to his newspaper.

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