Entry 891: Wednesday 6th March 2019

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Entry 891
Wednesday 6th March 2019

It's been a lovely day.

I spent most of the day in the community centre with Sc-Fi Cyn and Naomi putting the finishing touches on our KISS campaign. We've drawn up a bit of a rota that includes when people are going to go out canvassing. Thankfully everyone has agreed to do some canvassing; even moody Ash and negative Richard. I think we all realise that if Natasha's proposals are implemented that they will seriously change how we all live on the island and put us all in danger. Me, Naomi and Sci-Fi Cyn have been looking at all the posters and leaflets Blade has had printed. They actually look quite good. I think we've got a very good chance of convincing the island's residents not to support Natasha's proposals.

I met up with Ash today again at Sails Café. I told them that I was enjoying spending time with Naomi. Ash noticed the look on my face. "Hmmm," he suspiciously said. "What?" I asked. "You look a bit like a lovesick puppy," said Ash, "Are you getting feelings for my sister again?" "Well, I don't really know if they ever went away," I said. "OK," Ash said plainly, "Let's nip this in the bud now. Seth's been gone for about a month. Naomi's grieving. You're getting over how Natasha treated you, not to mention all this sh*t that's going on with Kyle and your Auntie. I really don't think that now is a good time to pursue any romantic interests." "There never seems to be a good time," I complained, "Don't you think I'm good enough for your sister?" "Oh, Luke, shut up," said Ash, "It's nothing to do with that. I think we both know that Naomi can make her own mind up. I'm thinking of both of you. Just focus on enjoying each other's company and be glad that you're not arguing. Maybe for now that's OK. Can't you just be happy being two people who are getting on?" I thought about what Ash said. Whenever things have got complicated or moved towards a slightly more romantic slant between me and Naomi, heated arguments and fall outs often follow. Maybe Ash is right; maybe I should just focus on the fact that me and Naomi are getting on and enjoying each other's company. 

Me and Mike are doing some canvassing tomorrow in Newport (the bit that isn't quarantined). What can go wrong...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 757 to 956Where stories live. Discover now