Chapter twenty-five: The crave for darkness

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The halls of the studio were dim. The light wasn't that helpful as it didn't stop the casting of shadows looming on the walls. Every sound was triggering. Every step was careful.
And everything was going to shit...

"Seriously?" Cheyenne said, dodging an attack from a Seacher. "Why won't you do as your told?"

"Maybe, not all of them are obliged to you" Dylan said, whacking one of the ink monsters in the face with the wrench, as a 'sploosh' came from the dark, mishaped figure. " DIE, you asshole" Dylan said, a little too aggressively.

It reminded Cheyenne of a certain anime character.

"Really?" She said, turning towards her friend.

"Too much?" Dylan replied, Cheyenne nodded.

"Just a little" she said, turning just in time to avoid a hit from another Seacher.

"So, who's idea was it again to go to the stairs?!" Dylan said, beating the last ink monster to a pulp.

"Yeah, I know it wasn't the greatest of ideas but-" Cheyenne said,

"-But nothing! My Little Sheep, in fact, I think it was a great idea!" The voice was followed by laughter.

"Ugghh, seriously?" Dylan said, "What is it with you?"

They were met with Sammy once more.

"Can you please stop doing that?!" Cheyenne said, the man chuckled.

"Well, unfortunately for you, My Leader, when you call I must answer" he said, "So, what is it you want from me once again, My Leader! Ohh! And shall I fetch Our Lord while I am-"

"NO-" the two teens said in unison.

"Not after that encounter..." Dylan said.

"Will your" Sammy glared at Dylan, "Friend here stop talking about Our Lord in such disrespect?" He said, turning towards the ink covered girl, her eyes fixed on the mysterious and unchanged character.

"No" was all she said. Sammy sighed.

"Very well, however, what is the situation, My Leader?" He said, almost bowing down. Cheyenne's eyes widened in concern and surprise.

"Bendy Land" she said, "Is there a way down there without damaging the elevator?"

"Hmmm" Sammy said, putting his finger to his chin in an almost dramatic way. "I don't know myself, My Little Sheep for I have never been down there, but if it is helpful, I will discuss it with the Lost Ones"

"Fine, but don't do anything sus or there will be more than hell to pay" Cheyenne replied,

"Of course, My Leader, I would never do anything sus?" Sammy repeated, slightly confused. It was obvious he didn't understand slang.

And with one last nod, he was gone. Just like how Bendy had disappeared...

"Alright..." Dylan said, a look of confusion on his face. "Shall we continue searching?"

"Yeah I think that's-" however, before Cheyenne could finish, she had gripped her head in pain. Groaning in discomfort.

"Cheyenne!" Dylan said, stepping towards her, "What is it? Has Sammy betrayed you again or are you starting to become fucked up?" He said. He gritted his teeth, he really needed to stop with the cringy puns.

"N-No, it's j-just-arrrgghh- my head, t-the voices..."

The girl straightened up, her eyes wide with fear, the sockets and pupils glowing the same faint yellow she had seen through this series,

"I can hear them..." she said,

"Who?!" Dylan said, curiously and slightly scared.

"Him" she replied. "And Him..." she paused for a second. "And Him..." another pause.

"And Them..."

Her mind was blank and fuzzy, it swelled with voices from every corner of her mind, not one space was free of her own thoughts. She heard some talking quietly, while some cried and begged for her to answer their long unanswered prayers, questions and pleas. But above all of that, the most loudest one was Him. All three were split. Him, questioning what was going on, begging for escape. Him, mumbling to himself trying to make sense of it all, all while trying to keep it together for her. And Him.

He was the most shocking of them all. She could hear his every word, every thought, everything that was going on inside his devilish head.

And what she heard was truly and downfall to their escape:

"How very interesting... I was here for the beginning, but wasn't here for the End..."

"...I will not set you free.."

"For you hold such knowledge..."


She heard another voice overpowering the first.

"No, there is still hope..."

"I must be set free..."

"I just...know that I have something to be shown within all of this..."

Cheyenne's head pounded, as the third voice rose up.

"Sheep, Sheep, Sheep. It's you I must keep. In the morning you will be mine. I must not let you die..."

Cheyenne gasped, somehow managing to break herself free from that moment. She stared at Dylan.

"He knows" she said. But her statement was unanswered. Her friend was gone...

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