Chapter seven: Seperation anxiety

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"The Lady..."
"Glitchtrap!" The three of them said in unison,

"Dylan! Pass me the EMF reader now!" She shouted and the boy did what he was told, throwing the device to her.

However she missed and the thing disappeared into a sea of blue. Never to be seen again.

"Oh no..." Cheyenne whispered to herself. The Spirit Box spoke once more;

"Fun" it said as the four characters launched themselves at the students.

"RUN!" Was all Dylan said next, so they did...

Cheyenne was the first to be taken, she dove onto the ground in fear on the floor, Sammy retrieved her off of the floor and carried her back to his chosen portal

"No!" Alex yelled, "Guys Sammy's got Cheyenne!"

"What are we supposed to do! We're all a bit caught up right now!" Dylan yelled. Figuring that none of his others friends would help out Cheyenne, he started to run, his footsteps pounding in his chest, this really was like a horror game. Then, just like the EMF reader, she too was gone, devoured by the light, along with Sammy.

A hand gripped Alex's arm, dragging him towards one of the portals. He turned, seeing a white mask greet him, along with a black bun. "The Lady!" He yelled and tried to resist her grip with all his might, pulling and hitting her but she didn't stop. He saw her bony hand reach across his face, his whole body thrashing with fear,

"Get off me!" He yelled, trying to shake her away, then his vision became darker as the world around him faded completely.

Dylan had been good at dodging, he was nimble and fast to avoid being captured by the black and white figure teleporting around him. Every time he would miss the character he would yell in triumphant from successfully not getting captured, like his friends.

"Luke! He yelled, "Are you still there?!"

"Yeah!" He yelled back, the boy in the same condition as himself. He was slowing, his breaths getting heavier, then black was all he could see, "Nooo!" He yelled as his vision blurred into darkness. The last thing he heard was the shouts of Luke screaming his name.

Luke ran, it was all that he could really do, unless he wanted to throw a netball at a virus, which wasn't a great idea, seeing as it was already pissed at him. So he kept running. However, his laces was the one thing that fucked him up...

"Ahh!" He yelled as he hit the floor, banging his elbow on the way down, sending waves of pain up his arm. "FUCK YOU LACES!" He yelled as the animatronic closed in on him, the only way of escape was to crawl on the floor like a crab, however, the rabbit suit grabbed his leg and started to drag him towards the portal, skipping as he did so.

"Afton!" He yelled as a last resort, the suit didn't turn. "I know your son!" Still nothing.
"I know where Jefferey is!" That made the rabbit stop in its tracks. It turned slowly, it's crooked smile sending chills down his spine,

"I know where Jefferey is" he repeated, the rabbit looked away from him, still gripping onto his leg and stared at something behind him, he turned his head slowly. It was the ghost from before. The Spirit Box still on, it spoke.

"Liar" it said and began to blast out more static, the sound deafening.

Luke collapsed to the ground, his whole body in agony, darkness filling his view.

"It's over" the box said, "Now the games really begin"

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now