Chapter one hundred: Death and rejoining of friends

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Dylan crept forward, slowly, carefully, he knew every step and movement would be danger.
He knew Foxy was watching.
Every flash of his Looking Eye made his heart pound, his footsteps on the tile floor not helping his breathing as he crept along.
Then a flash.
Then more footsteps.
Then clunking as Foxy moved towards him in the darkness, causing him to activate another flash.
Then the loop continues.

The darkness surrounded him like an open blanket once more. Waiting for the monsters to return so Dylan could scare them away with his nightlight.
Another clunk.
Another flash.
More footsteps.
Then silence.
He was almost to the end. He was almost out of this nightmare.
More clunking.
More flashing.
More running.
More running.
More...the end?
Children cheering and bells ringing made Dylan smile. The end. He looked around the room he was in now. It was strange, he hadn't been teleported anywhere. He turned around and still saw the room he had once been in.
Why wasn't he leaving?
That's when he heard more clunking. He turned around slowly, not wanting to see his death behind him then gasped.
It wasn't his death he saw.
It was his.
In the room was a suit. A suit that looked familiar, an orange suit that seemed old and worn out. A familiar suit that Dylan knew held his friend inside.
There was more clunking and shouts from inside the metal.

Dylan chuckled a little, more shocked at the fact it was Luke, the real Luke.
He rolled his eyes and walked over to the animatronic and touched the cool metal under his fingertips.
Then watched as his hand was consumed by the metal.

He shouted in pain as he was pulled downwards to the ground, his hand being  forced out of the metal as blood oozed out of his skin and onto the floor, staining his school shirt and trousers. He yelped in pain as Foxy covered his view and loomed over him as he heard more clunking and shouts from Luke as he tried to break free of his prison.
Then he was gone.

Darkness was the only thing that remained. Followed by the underside of a table. He felt weak, dizzy, pain.
Everything he shouldn't of be feeling in this moment. But he was.
He gripped the edge of the table with his good hand, his other limp and unmoving, not wanting to move it otherwise his whole system would collapse, more from the blood loss if anything.
He hauled himself up, his feet giving out under him as he stabled himself for a second then continued to stand on his feet, hoping that all his progress and energy wouldn't be a waste.

Finally, after what felt like hours he managed to steady himself to stand on his feet, the vertigo although still dancing around his eyelids. He looked around, seeing a single, blurry banner with words he couldn't spell out as well as a box. He reached out and sunk his fingernails into the cardboard. Making the edges of the white paper around it bleed red. He peeled back the box's lid, his fingernails also peeling off as he did so, he bit his lip, trying not to scream as he revealed a toy. A creepy toy that would haunt his memories for the rest of his days.

Through his dizziness, he spotted a button within the darkness, with great difficulty, he managed to press it and was finally transported back to the main room.
And greeted with his friends.

Their voices echoed through his mind, some words distinguishable, others a echoey sentence. He tried to explain but he felt as if his lungs and words were giving up on him as the darkness closed in.
Then there was nothing but shouts.
And silence.

What felt like hours passed. All Dylan's head spun as he stared at the artificial light above him. The artificial light that burst with all sorts of colours.
He looked around, seeing that all the room was the same mixture of purple, black and green.
Except for the menu screen next to him.
Dylan sat up slowly, not wanting to make his head hurt more, the room spinning faster then slowing as he regained his headspace.
And his eyesight.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now