Chapter one hundred and five: Mazes and memories

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Panic and chaos was the only thing to describe their surroundings. Nothing but a clash of colours and a group of the presents that the three had collected over the course of the other mini games.

"What the fuck?!" Dylan and Alex said in unison, looking around the mess that was the other dimension.
Her dimension.

"Don't be late" they heard a high pitched voice say. They turned, Dylan's Looking Eye's mist glowing softly as he did so as they looked across the room to see the familiar Baby Plushie that haunted them; that haunted her, for so long.

"Don't be late!" It repeated, this time a little more aggressive. Then they all started to echo it...

They spun in circles, the light catching glimpses of the other Plushies, slowly moving their cotton legs towards the group.

"We need to get out of here!" Cheyenne yelled, as they were starting to be surrounded by little animatronics. They stepped over them, cautiously, trying to be careful not to step on any of their tiny legs or arms.

"I can agree with that!" Alex replied as the clambered over the pile of plushies.

"But where do we go?!" Dylan asked, trying to find the exit with his Looking Eye. That's when they saw it.

"Daddy! Make sure you don't shut the door! I want to be able to get out!"
They heard Ella say, she then giggled.

"No daddy! There's no animatronics in my wardrobe!"
She said, then there was a stifled scream, as the three laid eyes on a single plushie.
A green, glitchy bunny, perched on a shelf, Dylan moved the light next to the door with something that looked very similar to red paint on it.

"I...found it" Dylan said, slightly concerning words that were sprawled across the wooden door.

"Find me. Find her. Find him."
Followed by:
"This way" with an arrow pointing to the door handle.

"I guess we go that way then" Alex pointed out, finally managing to escape the cult of teddies.

"Well I think we might need to hurry as these things are becoming more active the longer we stay here" Cheyenne said, using Alex's shoulder to balance on as she too stepped out of the Plushie ring.
As all three of them moved away from the small pile of angry figures they headed for the door, giving the, what they guessed Glitchtrap Plushie, a sided-eyed view, going into the next room.

"Oh this is even worse!" Alex mentioned as they passed through the door and into the next room, or more like hallway. It was much darker, yet much more vivid in colour.

"I'm so glad that no one warned us about the trippy lighting" Dylan said sarcastically, looking around the room in an almost blind panic. That's when they realised something.

"Wait" Dylan said, looking at Cheyenne. "Isn't this..."

"The FNaF 1 office" Cheyenne finished. "Yeah"

"What are we doing here?" Alex said, as they heard a more sinister but unfamiliar laugh echo down the hallway behind them.

"It's me" someone said, "Its me" they repeated, "It's me"

"Who's 'me'?" Alex asked as they heard Dylan try to get their attention.

"Golden Freddy! That's who!" Dylan yelled and started backing away from the darker portion of the hall.

"What?!" Cheyenne said and spun in her heel, seeing the limping and old suit walk towards them, glitching as it did so.

"What the fuck!" Alex repeated. "Why is that there?!" Alex shouted, it only laughed in response as it walked closer to them.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now