Chapter fifty-one: Bare feet and heart beats

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The speck of dust that lingered within the never ending shadows haunted Alex's view. Nothing but silence and darkness, a sheet of black paper that foreshadowed the boy's adventure. An open suitcase that lead to his freedom.

Only a faint light cast the shadows away...

"Where an I now?" Alex questioned rehtorically, he looked down, the sensation of leather made one of his five sensations, touch came to life. Followed, by sound.

Little grumbles and grunts could be heard somewhere in the distance, making Alex's nerves also come to life. Cautiously, Alex searched his surroundings, making sure that he wouldn't fall off his only platform; surrounded by shoes.

"What?"  Alex said in confusion, then the realization hit...

"Oh no..." He said, as his feet lifted off of the suit case .

"Anyone but him..."

Alex felt his heart beat up to his throat, making him gag as he made contact with the pile of shoes below him. They all looked old and worn, but most obvious detail about them was they were Alex's size.

The boy's eyes widened in shock, knowing who's thousands of shoes belonged to.
"The Nome's" Alex trembled, and so did the pile.
"No,No,No!" Alex yelled and being to push through the mountain.
Move and move pushing while more and more shoes were removed, making way for another nightmare. With every ounce of strength that Alex had left he pushed and pushed. He pushed to run.
With the last of his strength, he hauled himself onto another suitcase, out the way of Death's grip once more.
But his grab was enough.

Alex turned to see a shrivelled hand wrap around his ankle, causing him pain as the limb's fingernails clawed into his flesh.

"Ouch! You bastard!" Alex yelled and lashed out with his other foot, there was a faint, thump, as Alex's shoe made contact with the monster's hand, it was suddenly followed by a screech while also trying to grab hold of Alex's foot, almost making the boy let go of the suitcase, until he remembered what he was holding on for.
His survival.
To finish his adventure.
To save his friends.
Alex gave the last fatal blow, and the hand was gone, along with Alex's shoes...

"Damn it! Those were expensive!" Alex yelled out to the beast, "you better give them back or your gonna have to buy me a new pair!" But only silence answered the boy's threat.
"Great..." Alex moaned, "Now I have to walk barefooted on the cold metal floor" With one last sigh the boy turned to face his new entrance.
Another lift.

"Thank fuck!" Alex yelled in relief, thankful that he wouldn't have to climb a large flight of stairs or crawl in a dark vent.

As quickly as Alex's legs could carry him, he raced to the elevator, hoping that it would lead up instead of down. With a promising breath Alex pressed the button (thanks to the help of a stack of suitcases) and watched the doors slide open, however, as he did so, he felt his heart pounding in his chest once more. Something didn't feel right.
Then his breath turned into a scream as he was met with Death once again. It's arms ready to pin down the child as he raced into the lift as the doors shut behind him caging. Them both in.

The only thing separating him from Death's grip was the iron  bar's he was caught in once more, and although it's door was open.
Freedom would be a lot harder to retrieve.

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