Chapter sixty-one: Flashbacks of fear

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"Well if it's a long story then shorten it like I did" Cheyenne said,

"You call that short?!" Dylan said, "Mine was only four words. Four words!"

"Four words to short! It hardly made sense!" Cheyenne said, rolling her eyes.

"Why don't I just explain?" Alex said, wanting to stop the arguing.

"Alright" Cheyenne and Dylan said in unison. Alex cleared his throat:

"I've been having these...flashbacks" Alex said, "Every time I eat a piece of meat I get these images of the Lady's and Six's fight at the end of the game" Alex explained, "'s not right"

"Not right how?" Dylan asked, intrigued.

"Not right as in...I think...She's dead" Alex answered.

"Who? The Lady?" Cheyenne asked, Alex nodded.

"Yes...and..." he paused.

"Six..." he finished.

"Six?!" Cheyenne said, "She can't be! That's not how the fights supposed to go!"

"I know" Alex agreed.

"Just remember that this isn't really Little Nightmares" Dylan added, "I mean, just look at BATIM, that was hell"
Cheyenne nodded.

"So is there anything else that you think is odd, apart from Mr.Tickles getting his arms blasted off and crushed by a piano and the Chefs getting eaten and make into sausages?" Cheyenne asked Alex.

"Like that isn't strange" Dylan added.
Alex nodded.

"Maybe..." he said, "Maybe I am Six"
Cheyenne thought for a moment.

"Well that explains the Hunger" she said,

"And the shoes" Dylan added, pointing to Alex's bare feet, something he hadn't really noticed until now.

"Oh yeah! Where are your shoes Alex?" Cheyenne asked.

"Shoe monster took them" Alex replied. Cheyenne nodded like it wasn't that surprising, until she said;

"Wait, what?!"
Dylan laughed.

"You just casually got your shoes taken by a shoe monster?!" Dylan said through his laughter, "Now that's not strange at all!"
Once the laughter had died down, Alex continued.

"Anyway, enough about my shoes, I'm more concerned where we're going next" he said.

"Where are we going?" Cheyenne asked, her question was answered by an atmospheric sight.

"Woah!" Dylan said in awe.

"And this is why so many people love this game" Alex mentioned. All around them the darkness spread, however, within the black canvas was a row of now empty meat hooks, travelling to their next destination. Surrounded by jaw-dropping sights.

"They say that the Maw arrives every year. Always at the same time, but never in the same place. It crepes and crawls beneath the glistening waters. And there, it sits in vast silence. Waiting." Alex said, grabbing onto a meat hook, the others joining.

"Cool" Dylan said, his voice echoing throughout the endless metal factory.

"For what?" Cheyenne asked,

"You'll see" was all that Alex said.

Seconds passed as the four analysed their surroundings, making sure that there were no dangers. They continued this until they found their exit. A pipe, leading to a ladder.

"Everyone ready?" Alex asked, bracing himself for impact.

"Ready!" They said as the four dropped down onto the pipe with stable feet.

"Follow me!" Alex ordered as he made his way over to the ladder and ascended up it, the others close behind.

When all four made it safely to the metallic platform, they shielded their eyes from something they hadn't seen in what felt like forever. Sunlight.

"It's beautiful" Cheyenne said as her skin made contact with the rays. Those words she thought she would never say here.

"It is" Alex agreed. "But those aren't" he pointed to a never ending row of misshaped figures in the background.

"What are those?" Dylan asked, trying to get a better view of their next enemies.

"The Guests" Alex answered, "The monstrous, sweaty, hungry Guests. All seams bursting, bodies bulging, eyes dead with boredom. The shuffle up the gateway and into the mouth of the Maw. And then they are no more. For none that enter return to tell the tale" Alex finished. "Or as I like to call them, murderers" he added.

He felt a tug from his PE shirt. He looked down at Grayson the Nome.

"Yes?" He said to the creature, he pointed to a chain next to them. "A way up" he said to the others as he began to climb it, the cool iron enclosing around his fingertips, as well as the others'. It was refreshing.
Once the sunlight had gone, the four jumped down onto another pipe.

"I'm so glad I have good balance" Cheyenne said, walking across the pipe like a tightrope. As they made it to the other side, they saw another obstacle waiting for them. Another vent.

"What happened to 'I was claustrophobic?'" Dylan asked.

"I guess this game wants you to get over your fear Dylan" Cheyenne said, as she crawled inside after Alex and the Nome.

"I guess" Dylan sighed, crawling in after them. It only took a second before they were out again.

"See? That wasn't so bad" Cheyenne said to Dylan.

"Yeah but they are" he said pointing to a line of Guests. Now they were closer, they could make out their ugly features.
Cheyenne made a look of disgust.

"Ewww" she said.

"And I thought the Chefs were bad" Dylan added.

"Trust me, if you think they look bad now, you should see what happens when they see a child, it's awful" Alex said, walking across a platform of boards, out of reach from the Guests. Alex crouched when he got to the entrance, the others doing the same.
Cheyenne's eyes widened in fear.

"We're not going in there are we?" She asked, Alex however was completely unaware of his friend's words as darkness clouded his vision once more.

Alex searched his surroundings, hoping that he would see the reddish-brown walls covered in objects once more. However, as he looked around he saw something different.
Instead, he saw the same wooden platforms he was on now, the line of demented Guests waiting to get inside and the white porcelain mask with a blank expression. The eyes filled with vengeance, like a ghost with unfinished business and a pair of draping brown cloth, revealing claws as sharp as teeth.

The figure stared down at the empire they had created, completely unaware that it would soon crumble by one thing.

A yellow raincoat...

"Alex" he heard, "Alex?!" The voice made him regain his train of thought. "We need to go" Cheyenne said as they climbed the entrance, crawling inside.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin