Chapter fifteen: The unread invitation

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The familiar creaking of a door was what woke her, followed by the smell of wood and paper. She looked around, the dizziness she felt slowly fading, her senses coming back to her. The sight of a studio. Wait...

She got up slowly, looking at the two long walls next to her, covered in posters Cheyenne had seen too many times.

"Boris?" She said, standing up, wobbling a little as she reached out to see if it was real and when the texture of paper enclosed around her fingertips, she knew exactly what she was about to face.

"Oh no..." she said in disbelief, "No, no, no..." she ripped the poster off the wall, hearing the sound of it rip within the deafening silence.
"No, no, no..." she stared at it in fear, also on the piece of paper was a small black and white devil, hanging onto his friend as they ventured down a rollercoaster, a crooked smile on his face.


She threw the paper on the floor, rushing out of the little corridor to find the familiar setup she knew too well from the amount of play throughs she had watched, and played.

"How?" She said, "How is this possible" she asked. Her shock triggering her nerves, tears stinging the back of her eyes. She walked over to the wall, out of the little corridor and over to the small table and chair across from it.

Cheyenne touched it, the wood it was made from was soft and probably dusty from the amount of time it had been there, unused. She glanced at the table, a small old-fashioned projector on it, the light facing the wall, casting a shadow on the devil cutout in front of it. One thing Cheyenne knew about the game was, he was everywhere. She turned around, Cheyenne knew what would happen if she turned it on, however it was a cycle that couldn't be broken...

Then she remembered something, the protagonist wasn't here...

"Where is he?" She said panicked, "Why isn't he here?" She looked around frantically, glancing at the door.


"No..." she said, turning towards the corridor. It was the one that lead towards her next task, and slowly made her way down it.

It was mainly all the same texture, a yellow glow reflected off of the wooden walls from the lights. Although Cheyenne has never gone back in time, it certainly felt like the 1920's. She turned the last corridor into a dark room and although it didn't look like much, Cheyenne knew what horrors happened here.

She slowly approached the power box, it's cells missing. Fear spread across her body as she stared at it:

"There never was a choice" she thought, she had memorised the games secrets and gameplay to the point where she knew what she expected. She turned to the shelf across from her, a box up next to it, slowly Cheyenne approached it, opening the box. Inside, a cog and one out of the two fuses.

"Found you" she said to herself. She looked at the cog, "I'll be needing you later" she said and looked on the shelf. On it lie the second fuse, she grabbed it. One in each hand.

"Hmmm" she said, "That's different" looking at the two items in her hand, normally, you could only carry one object. "I wonder..." she said, placing her school bag on the floor, inside the blue carrier was many colourful books, a pencil case and a writing book. "I don't need these" she said and brought out the her schoolbooks, "Sorry school but this is a live or die situation" she put them on the floor with a loud 'thump'.
She closed her bag, lifting it back onto her shoulder, it felt much lighter now that half of her stuff had been removed. She walked over to the box, placing the two fuses in.

"There" she said as the box came to life. Behind her, a large lever lit up, it was old and dusty, like the rest of the studio, but somehow, it called to Cheyenne to pull it.

She took a deep breath in and did. Then the whole room became visible.

"The Ink Machine" Cheyenne said in shock, "It is real..." She looked at it, it was a giant old machine, hung by chains, probably just as old (and maybe rusty) it looked very intimidating.

"There never was a choice" she said aloud walking out of the room, "Joey, you son of a bitch" she whispered, "You crazy psychopath"

A few minutes later she reached the main hall again. Unchanged, untouched, like it should be.

"Alright" Cheyenne said to herself, it was staring to get a little lonely, "Now I just have to find the room that turns on the machine and summons the devil" she said. She turned towards the other corridor and started to walk down it.

It almost felt like a dream, like it wasn't real, well it was but it wasn't at the same time, just walking down the corridors, it made Cheyenne scared but also excited. She couldn't help but smile. Being in her favourite horror game was one thing, but she couldn't wait to see her favourite characters and now that she was here, to finally see what he would look like. She turned the corner seeing a familiar sight. His old desk. It seemed the same, apart from the note on it.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora