Chapter eighty-two: Withered lies, with-are-the-ed replaced...

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"You can always tell when a company is getting ready to fire someone. They start giving out written warnings for silly things, making sure to build a paper trail and build a case for a firing. Things that normally no one would care about-"

The tape stopped for a second, being replaced with a strange voice or sound. They couldn't tell, but whatever it was it had stopped and returned to the audio:

"-Suddenly become grave offences, all worthy of being written and documented. I guess it works two ways, because it also encourages a person to quit rather than be scrutinised so heavily. I think Jeremy was just too far gone to consider that option though. The thing about it is, I don't think they were going to fire him because of anything he was doing wrong"

The tape was replaced again with the voice, this time certain it was a voice as it bellowed a deep laugh into the tape recorder before it played once more:

"-They just knew he'd seen something. They needed to discredit him..."
The tape clicked off before it played another.

"I heard a pretty heated conversation this morning between Dale, our manager, and someone else on the line, it really feels like this project is in trouble, in no small part because of the lawsuit I'm sure. There has to be a lawsuit, there's no way there isn't.

It happened in this building, just a few doors down from me. I think it's made worse by the fact that Jeremy tried to tell us something was wrong, we all just saw it as a challenge to find what the problem was and fix it, who could of known that...?"
The next came to life, the final one of this night...

"They lied to us. They lied to all of us. They told us that the whole point of this game was to undo the bad PR done by a rouge indie game developer, who supposedly, made up a bunch of crazy stories that tarnished the brand. But that's not true at all-"

Again the voice laughed at the teens, making them jump:

"-In their haste to develop this game and clear their name, they sent us some things they don't think they intended us to see, such as a hard drive containing emails between Fazbear Entertainment and a certain indie developer. Fazbear Entertainment hired the game developer, those indie games were designed to conceal and make light of what happened, this isn't just an attempt to rebrand, it's an elaborate cover up, a campaign to discredit everything..."

The three stared at each other for a moment, slightly confused about the whole scenario. What was going on? Why was the company lying to them? And what was Jeremy trying to warn them about...
They stared, knowing that that question had already been answered...
That's when a shocking thing happens; the tape recorder clicked to life once more, not playing tapes but a rhyme...

"Bonnie will tear you apart,
dolls are opening their mouths.

Foxy's bearing his sharp teeth,
Freddy will make it hard to breathe.

Chica's roaring with laughter,
Your own flesh is what their after.

So why don't you just give up?
You'll fall asleep and never wake up!"
The laughter rang out again before the four were met with the desk of the security office once more.

"Ok! This is getting weird! Can we just leave now!?" Cheyenne shouted, first the animatronics now some weird bunny killers and now a rhyme that wants us to die! No! I am soooo done! I am-"
The lights flickered as two horrid and withered sights met them. Laughing and roaring.

"It wasn't a rhyme!" Dylan yelled picking up his mask and putting it on, the others doing the same, "It was a warning!"
That's when the most horrifying thing happened...

They spoke...

"Įt'ś tïmę tø 'fäçè' thê fãćtš. Ŷōù ŵėré åłŵāŷś dęśtįñëd tõ fâìł"
Bonnie said with great difficulty.

"Çômè ćłóśêr. Łét më šhòŵ ŷöù høŵ tô śmįłē..."
Chica said afterwards, her attempts no better than Bonnies.
That's when they jumpscared the teens.
They heard the Nomes scuffling as they were not met with the portal, but darkness...

"Ŷöù błïńkèd..."

"Ī hàvê śèéñ ŷòù...àłł..."
The four heard as the darkness consumed them.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now