Chapter nintey-two: Electric shocks and lore in song form

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"I will" Alex said, raising his hand cautiously, like any movement could trigger their deaths.
The other two nodded at him, slightly concerned that Alex was going.
By himself.

"I'll be good at this" he continued, "I'm good at running and with my powers" he pointed to his other hand. "I'm sure I'll be...fine" he said, trying to act positive.

"Yeah, just keep up the spirit" Cheyenne informed him. He nodded half heartedly.

"You say that now!" Dylan exclaimed, "Aren't we all going to go through our own personal hell?" He said.

"I thought we did?" Cheyenne questioned. He shook his head, a smile on his face.

"Our next personal hell" he added.

"Oh..." Cheyenne replied. "Right, this is his personal hell" she said.
Alex nodded, sort of getting what she was saying. He turned towards the vent he had to crawl through and sighed.

"I guess I should go" he said, they both turned to him surprised.

"Are you ok? And what have you done with Alex?" Cheyenne asked.

"You said that these games were meant for us to concur our fear, right?" Alex asked. Cheyenne nodded.

"Yeah but if you think about it, these games are about the really long theory that I came up with about that-"
She was cut off by Dylan, putting his hand over her mouth.

"Yeah ok we know about that whole crazy story" he said. He turned to Alex, "What she meant to say was 'yes it is and your point?'" He said, Cheyenne nodded.

"Uhh, that I need to concur mine" Alex finished.

"Right" Dylan said as Alex opened the door to get into Ballora's Gallery.

"Maintenance vent opened" a voice said as Alex crawled inside.

"Whenever you two are done meet me back here, ok?" Alex said, crawling inside.

"Ok!" Cheyenne shouted inside the vent as it closed behind him. She turned to Baby's vent.

"I'll take Baby" she said to Dylan, he nodded.

"I don't mind Funtime Foxy" he replied, opening and crawling through the vent, the same as Cheyenne. She turned back quickly:

"Dylan!" She said.

"Yeah?!" He called back, his head popping out of the small space.
She smiled almost sadly.

"Be safe...ok?" She said to him, "I don't want anyone getting hurt, myself included...we have been through enough and the last thing I want, any of us want, is to return home with a lost limb or something" she said.

"Trust me" Dylan replied. "The only limb I'll loose is my funny bone" he joked.
Cheyenne laughed and with one final glance at one another, crawled into their own imaginable  hell.

"Why is it so dark?" Alex asked himself as he quietly crawled along the metallic floor, his footsteps echoing around the, what sounded like, a large room. The only thing to accompany him was the flashlight he had found on the desk, which he had taken.
Then music started to play.

It chimed in the background, lingering, like Alex did faded. Alex continued, slower this time.
Then it returned.
But not only that, a faint voice:

"I hear dance partner"
Alex stopped, frozen in fear. Then as the music faded again, he began to crawl faster, only to be stopped once more. He rolled his eyes a little, then continued faster this time, the music growing as well as Alex's footsteps.
He was running from her.
From...his fear.
Then the room flashed with bolts of colour, casing the music to stop and Alex to dive to the floor, terrified. A scream escaping his lips.
Then, just as quickly as the music, it stopped, leaving Alex to climbed onto his feet once more and dart to the breaker room, not caring about the terminator that was a ballerina.
He collided with the door, and after finding the handle, rushed inside.

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