Chapter nine: Determination

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It was definitely familiar, that was one thing Dylan was certain about. However, one thing that was different was that everything was dead.

The bushes seemed more like trees, they had been left untouched for who knows how long, gathering the rest of the plants around the house. Flowers, weeds and the vines on the building, it seemed to go on endlessly. It was a shame, when Dylan had first played, it was a sweet little home full of secrets, now it was incredibly unfamiliar. All the windows were broken and some of the roof was missing and Toriel was no where to be seen...

"Here we are friend!" Flowey said suddenly, making Dylan jump. "Toriel's old house! Wow, what a dump!" Dylan rolled his eyes,

"Why are we here?" He asked, the flower's roots tightened around him,

"I'm glad you asked friend! I bet the curiosity is killing you! Just like the demon duck that used to be here! Who knows where he went off too! He probably made a fortune out off all the stuff he stole!" Flowey laughed.

"What?" Dylan said, even more confused.

"Oh! Look at me rambling on about that damn duck! You probably want to play my game more than ever now!"

"Not-" Dylan tried you say but was stopped short by the plant's laughter,

"Excellent! Well then, let's begin!" Before another word was said, Dylan was forced through the door of the house and into a dark room.

Seconds passed, the door had been locked shut behind him as he stood in the darkness.

"Flowey you son of a bit-" he heard laughter outside, shutting him up. "What is this? Why am I here? I swear to God Flowey, you better explain what's going on otherwise I'll-"

"Now now friend! No need to get mad! I was just about to explain!" He heard him say. He clears his throat and began:

"You see friend, I have hidden a few other 'friends' of mine in there with you!" The flower said, "It's your job to find them friend! Otherwise I won't let you out!"

"WHAT!" Dylan yelled as he heard Flowey's laughter fade away.

"Have fun!" Was the last thing he heard as the darkness settled in.


Dylan sat in an old armchair in the little light he had found. The lights (well some of them) still worked, which was a relief, because the silence was not so helpful as he had tried to think of a plan:

Find the 'friends',
Complete the game,
Go home.

It wasn't much, but it was the best he got. Soon after, he had thought of trying to call his friends to see if they were okay, but Flowey has taken his phone away.

"Alright" he said finally, "Where are you monsters at!"


Then he heard a 'thump' from upstairs. He glanced at the ceiling and raced to the stairs, climbing up them almost as fast a Sonic. He hoped he didn't see him. Once he was up them, he shouted again.

"Hey! Where are you?!" After a second, he heard more thumping. He darted down one of the corridors, which seemed oddly familiar, but he couldn't tell as it was still too dark. That was until, he saw which door he was standing at.

"Chara's room..." he gasped, he knew the room too well from playing the Genocide route way to many times, something he was ashamed to admit now that he was here. He took a deep breath in and opened the door...

The room, oddly enough, seemed the same, unlike the rest of the house. The two beds, the wardrobe and the desk were all the same, however, the room itself, was a mess. Teddy bears and toys were everywhere. Suddenly, the toy box across the room shook.

"Huh?" Dylan said, approaching it slowly. It was like seeing something in a horror movie, one outstretched hand, slow deliberate steps and heavy breathing. His heart pounded in his chest as he came closer to the box. The stuffed animals inside moving frantically. He stopped. Just a few steps away, he reached out holding his breath.

"WOOF!" It was all he heard before he felt the floor beneath him. He looked up and a wholesome sight above him.

"Woof!" It said again. Dylan smiled at his own foolishness, in the box was one of the doggos, it's tongue out and panting at Dylan, happy to see him.

"Uhhh, hey there little dude" he said embarrassed, he petted it's head as it climbed out of the box.

"Woof!" It barked and ran out of the room.

"Well done friend! You have such determination!"

"Flowey?!" Dylan yelled, "You have been here the whole time?!" He heard the plant laugh.

"Nope! I was just checking!" The flower said, "Bye!"

"No don't-" Dylan begged, but it was too late. Dylan sighed, "Alright, who's next?"

But his question was answered by a different voice.

"Frisk! Frisk are you here?! I know you don't don't talk much, but give me a sign!" They said.

"Wait a minute!" Dylan said, "Sans?"

"Frisk! Is that you buddy?!" He shouted, he heard footsteps and soon after was met with his favourite character from the whole franchise, Sans the skeleton.

"Who are you? Your not Frisk!" Dylan shook his head, to shocked no speak,

"No, I'm Dylan, your biggest fan"

"Oh" he said, "Nice to meet you! You probably know who I am and well, I came here to rescue you from that yellow-headed psychopath"

"Thank you" Dylan said, Sans shrugged,

"Come on, let's go" Sans said, walking out the room, Dylan following behind. They walked out the room in silence, Dylan kept staring at him in complete shock. Once they were out, he asked,

"What happened here?"

Sans stopped in his tracks, staring at the boy,

"The War" was all he said, and continued to walk.

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