Chapter thirty: Leader of the Lost Ones

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"Shit..." She heard behind her, it was just like Alice's room, but worse, way worse. Ink flooded the room, and what remained of Lost Ones looked at her in fear.

"It's the Leader" they heard one say, they looked around. Apart from the floor they layout was the same, the wall and what was written on it, something that still to this day couldn't be figured out, the cages, filled with other Lost Ones, some standing, staring at Cheyenne and some crouched in a corner, crying, saying that they want to go home.

"What happened here?" Cheyenne asked, she looked at the inky figures as they pointed at the writing on the wall;

"No angels! He will set us free"

That seemed normal, however there was something underneath that;

"No Demons! She will set us free"

"What?" Cheyenne said in confusion.

"I think they mean you" Dylan answered,

"I knew that, I just don't know how" she said.

"We'll find a way" Dylan said cheerfully, making his way to the open vent under the writing.

"Wait!" Cheyenne said, he stopped in his tracks, staring at his friend.

"What is it?" He asked her, she had a look of concentration on her face. Almost determination.

"I can hear them" she replied, looking at the inky figures around her.

"You, can? What are they saying?" Dylan asked, coming closer to her.

"Beware the Ink Demon"

"Stay in the darkness for too long and he will find you..."

"...For if you see him, you better run"

"They say he hears everything"

"Every creak of the floor..."

"Every rustle of paper..."

"Do I wouldn't run so fast if I were you..."

"You never know who or what might draw him in"

Cheyenne repeated every word the Lost Ones told her, it was a shock to both of them. But at the same time, it wasn't.

"Wait" Dylan realised, "Isn't that what Alice said, was supposed to say,  in Chapter Three?"
Now that he mentioned it, Cheyenne also recognised the twisted warning from the 'Angel'.

"Yeah" she agreed, "But why are they saying it now?" She questioned. They both knew the answer, the vent at the end of the room was dark, the shadows within the cramped space, taunted them to search beyond it.
They both knew the answer, it wasn't hopeful in the slightest, however, they needed to move forward...

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