Chapter fifty-nine: Knock, knock. Death's here

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"I told you, I absorbed Bendy because he destroyed the tape reel so we could get home" Cheyenne explained to Alex.

"Not like we're home anyway" Dylan added, "How long until we get out of here? I'm staring to get claustrophobic" Dylan asked.

"Just a little further, then hopefully Thai key will get us out of here" Cheyenne said, Dylan sighed.

"I don't know which is worse, this or being chased by the Demon" Dylan said.

"I would say none seeing as Bendy could get me here anyway" Alex said, unimpressed.

"Like I said, I have control over him now" Cheyenne mentioned, "He won't hurt or eat anyone unless I tell him to"

"How can you be sure?" Alex asked.

"Because I won't break a promise" Cheyenne replied.

"What promise?" Alex wondered.

"The promised she made to Joey Drew that she would look after Bendy" Dylan said.

"And Henry don't forget, he made Bendy too" Cheyenne added.

"Right" Dylan replied.

"Fine, I believe you" Alex said. "Just promise me he won't do any harm to any of us"

"I promise" Cheyenne said, she smiled to herself, grateful that this conversation was over.
That's when she saw a light up ahead.
"We're here" Cheyenne said to her friends, crawling faster, the others easily catching up with her.

"Thank this hell" Dylan said when all four of them had exited the vent. Sometimes, he seemed to talk to himself and when he did it was clear that he made no sense. It was something that Cheyenne and Alex had picked up over the years.

After checking their surroundings, the four ran to the counters they hid under before.

"Everyone here?" Cheyenne asked, they all nodded, breathless. One thing that they had learnt about being small was that they had to do a lot of running.
Suddenly, they heard heavy breathing and footsteps.

"Why does there have to be another one?" Dylan asked, unhappy.
Cheyenne shrugged.

"Because the developers hate us?" She said, unsure of the answer.

"I don't think the developers would of know that we would actually be here" Alex pointed out.

"I guess" Cheyenne said, thankful that someone else could answer Dylan's question. She jumped when she felt a hand grab hers, she looked down and saw Grayson, looking up at her with fascination. She fangirled.

"Awwww! Grayson! If you wanted to hold my hand you just could of said so!" Cheyenne squealed.

"You know he can't talk right?" Alex said, looking at them in admiration.

"I know, but it's still cute!" She said, "Don't worry, I'll protect you" she reassured the Nome.

"Hey! That's my line!" Alex said, feeling offended.

"Sorry" she said in a teasing voice, a playful smile on her lips.

"Uhh guys" Dylan said, they turned towards him, "Sorry to burst this awkward bubble, but what are we going to do about him?" Dylan asked, pointing to the other Chef.
Cheyenne smiled.

"Before you do it, NO!" Alex warned, Cheyenne rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't going to!" She said innocently, Alex gave her a look. She shrugged.

"Any other ideas? Ones that doesn't involve Bendy having a second dinner?" Dylan questioned.
Alex looked around the room when he spotted a cupboard across from them, he looked up, the boards they were on before directly above the shelf.

"How fast can you guys run?" Alex said to his friends, Cheyenne and Dylan followed Alex's gaze. Then smiled.

"Pretty fast, why?" They said in unison.

"This is like being chased by Bendy all over again" Cheyenne thought as she sprinted to the cupboard across the room, the key held tightly in her grasp.

Alex, as always, came up with a clever plan. Run to the cupboard and climb up onto the boards out of reach from the Chef, and whenever we got to close, throw the key to another person. It was a great plan, apart from one thing.

Cheyenne couldn't throw to save her life. Even when she depended on it. So, as the Chef came ever so closer to her, she dreaded the consequences she would be in.
With a deep breath from her and a growl form the Chef, she yelled;

"DYLAN!" And threw the key. It tumbled through the air quickly, only giving Dylan a second to be in position to catch it.
He outstretched his hands and the key fell into them.

"GOT IT!" He yelled and began to sprint away from Cheyenne, the Chef following. It was now his turn to risk his life.

Dylan traced every step as he fled through the kitchen. He felt like a mouse running away from a broomstick after stealing some food. Then, as the Chefs growl warned Dylan that he was in danger, he scanned the room for the next person to throw the key to. Then, his eyes landed on Alex.

"ALEX!" Dylan yelled, signalling the boy that it was his turn. Alex held up his hands, ready to catch the key and with one mighty throw, the object was launched in Alex's direction. As he held up his hands, the object flew into them making Alex dart to the door.

"OPEN IT!" Cheyenne and Dylan yelled, trying to avoid the grasp of the Chef so they wouldn't become the Guests next meal. Alex shoved the key into the lock and twisted it, unlocking the door.

"COME ON!" He yelled to them as they raced through the door. However, Cheyenne stopped.

"GO!" She yelled to them as a black substance emerged from her flesh, "I'LL BE WITH YOU IN A SECOND!"
The boys nodded and sprinted down the hallway to the second door.

"Bendy" Cheyenne commanded, the Demon growled, "Distract him" with her order given, Cheyenne fled down the corridor to catch up with her friends, a thick string of black ink showing where she once was.

"Open the door!" Cheyenne yelled, "He'll keep him distracted but not for long!"
Alex nodded and pushed open the door.

"Dylan now!" Alex said as the boy used the Looking Eye to pull down a barricade over the door l, locking it.

They looked around, seeing the same dull, dim and gloomy walls and floor as before. Shelves full of tins and jars, however, in the centre of the room stood a giant machine and next to that, a way out.
Dylan looked towards Cheyenne.

"What about Bendy?" He asked. His question was answered by the thick string of ink fusing with her skin once more, followed by the Demon himself.

"Weird" Alex said as a chorus of banging broke the silence.

"Shit" Cheyenne said,

"The Chef" Alex finished.

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