Chapter one hundred and twelve: Coming out and killing trials

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Cheyenne and Alex shared a look of panic as they heard footsteps coming around a corner, they rushed to try and hide Alter Ego from others, they couldn't know about it.
Not this early anyway.

"Hey? You alright-" the figure stopped, seeing the two other teenagers next to each other suspiciously. Thankfully, their classmate was too dumb to notice.

"Yeah! We're fine, just trying to figure out how all this happened" Cheyenne said, Hiro gave her a look.

"Alex doesn't really like bloody sights" she tried to convince the boy, he looked over to Alex who looked pale.

"Right!" He said, smiling, "I don't really like it either, but...the others are looking for you two!" He said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, "I would leave you here but...they especially want you" he added, pointing at Cheyenne.
She rolled her eyes.

"Is it because I was late to the murder?" She asked, Hiro shrugged.

"Probably" he said, turning back before adding, "oh, and you better come to, seeing as you're part of this" he added and walked back into the room, the other two following.

"Why were you late?" Alex whispered, Cheyenne gave him the look of 'I'll tell you later', and with Hiro distracted, Cheyenne passed the laptop up to her shoulder where Bendy took it quietly and kept it safe in his ink. Alex nodded, agreeing with what she had said and the hiding place, as they walked the rest of the way in silence, it was almost strange to see Hiro act so serious, but in times like these, Cheyenne could understand why it was necessary.
They arrived and as Hiro opened the door, they were met with some glares but all of the classes eyes were fixed on the argument happening with Luke and Byakuya.

"YOU DID THIS YOU BASTARD! YOU AND THOSE OLD MAN GLASSES!" Luke yelled, Byakuya scoffed, offended, adjusting them to see the 'scum' (as Byakuya would call anyone below him) that decided to blow such a very low blow.

"Now I suggest you rethink your words" he said, oddly calm, "As you yourself don't know who did this either" Byakuya warned. Luke laughed.


"Uhh..." Dylan interrupted, "Luke that's a hammer" he pointed out. Throughout the two boys' arguments, Luke had been avoiding eye contact and staring at the murder weapon instead, an overly large hammer.
Luke growled in annoyance.

"FUCK YOU DYLAN!" He said, loudly and almost angrily, crossing his arms and walking away from the scene, only to be stopped by Cheyenne, Alex and Hiro in the doorway.
Cheyenne looked unimpressed by this.

"You are not going anywhere" Cheyenne said bluntly, "You are staying until the investigation is over and the class trial" she explained, Luke sulked a little and turned back to the corpse, or in this case, corpses.
Then, a cheery tune played out:

"You're time is up! Let the class trial begin!" They heard Monokuma say, "You know where to be!" He said as the monitor turned off.
Byakuya sighed,

"Let's get this over with, I've got research I would like to be doing" he said, and walked out of the room, the rest of the class following.
The class trial room was the same as usual, the same podiums that's stood in a circle and the four extra ones for the Horror Gang, however, more seemed to be filled with giant pink Xs on the pictures of the ones who had fallen into despair, it seemed emptier than before...
As all of them made their way to their podiums and stood behind them. They waited for their turn to begin, probably making up alibis that would suit the situation.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now