Chapter nintey-one: Power cuts and trusted ones

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"Please enter your team name in the space provided using the keypad" the HandyUnit said.
The three of them looked at each other, knowing what they should write.

The divide cut them off, stopping them from typing the last letter.

"I see you were having some trouble with the keypad, and I also see what you were trying to write, let me rephrase that for you-"
There was a second before the machine spoke again:

"Welcome; Havana Bananas" it said, they all laughed a little.

"Close enough" Cheyenne mentioned. Dylan gave her an unimpressed look,

"Seriously?! That's the weirdest name I've ever heard!" Dylan said through his laughter.

"Yeah!" Alex laughed back. Then it went quiet, that's when the unit continued:

"Now allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some light hearted banter. Due to the massive success and even more-so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it was clear that the stage was set- no pun intended- for another contender in children's entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day, and your jobs to get them in proper working order before morning." The HandyUnit explained.
"Might I add that you are now in the Primary Control Module. It is actually a crawl space between the two front showrooms. Now let's get started with your daily tasks-"

"Tasks!" Cheyenne shouted over the robot.

"Work?!" Dylan added, also not amused.

"-View your window to your left"
They did.
"This is Ballora's Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit and eat pizza. Why don't you turn on the light and say hi?" It said.

"Uhhh, how about bye?" Cheyenne said to the robot, "I'd rather not encounter another killer animatronic thanks" she continued.

"This may sound weird but...I wanna see..." Alex interrupted. The two teens turned towards him.

"Seriously?! You can go say hi if you want but I'm not pissing off anymore killers unless it's for pizza" Dylan said. They gave him a strange look, "What?! I'm hungry!" He added. Cheyenne rolled her eyes, while Alex turned his attention back to the left window, he looked down a the control pad in front of him.

"Press the blue button on the elevated keypad to turn on the light" the HandyUnit said, causing the three to get jumpscared.

"You fuck!" Cheyenne yelled, jumping out of her skin.

"Why?!" Alex shouted at the device. However he didn't get a reply, it just continued:

"Turn on the light to say hi to Ballora" it said to them.

"Fine! I'll press your stupid-OHH! That's a blind ballerina!" Alex said, looking through the glass, the others spotted what he was staring at and they too were stunned. Inside, was a overall dark room, apart from the stage. Standing on it was some smaller figures that couldn't be made out yet, but in the centre was the animatronic known as Ballora herself. She wore a blue skirt and forever held a ballerinas pose. Stuck like that until she was ordered to move.

By them.

"Yep, she's definitely not going to kill us" Dylan implied.

"Nope, not at all" Cheyenne said, continuing Dylans' sarcasm.

"Uh oh! Looks like Ballora doesn't feel like dancing. Let's give her some motivation, press the red button to administer a controlled shock, maybe that will put the spring back in her step." The HandyUnit informed.

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