Chapter twenty: The journey that ended and the journey that begins

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The thought lingered in his mind.

"Chapter...3?" Cheyenne questioned. He looked at her, while he had been in a world of his own, Cheyenne had only just noticed where they were. "The safe house" she said, staring at the Boris poster next to her. It was the same as nearly all of the posters around the studio. Black and white with the three iconic characters on it: Alice Angel, Bendy and Boris the Wolf. However, this one only contained Boris. It was simple yet effective.
The animal sat on a wooden box looking out at them, an almost unsettling sight, at the top of the price of paper, the words 'Sheep Songs' could be seen.

"Yeah..." he said, they both knew what this meant. Nearly all of the BATIM community hated this chapter. It was a long ride, and they all knew they would fall at the end...

The thought reminded Dylan, he had promised Boris that he would be back. He was probably worried.

"Boris is waiting for us" he said, a small smile came to Cheyenne's face. Her eyes wide with excitement. Dylan knew that Boris was one of her favourite characters.

"Boris, is waiting for, us?!" She said in excitement.

"Yeah" Dylan repeated. "Come on, we shouldn't leave him alone." Dylan mentioned. His comment meant more than words, it was a warning.

They made there way out of the small room, passing the door and bathroom into the main room. Boris was still sat at the table, dancing to the music.

"Hey Buddy" Dylan said, "Cheyenne's up so I-" he turned, not seeing his friend with him. "Cheyenne?" He said, walking back into the corridor. He saw the back of her, some of her hair, the tips and bottom of it pitch black, her face staring at the mirror.

"What happened to me?" Cheyenne said to herself. It had occurred to Dylan that this was the first time she was seeing how bad she looked. She stared at herself in horror, fear and sadness.

"Cheyenne?" Dylan asked, coming closer to the open doorway. She turned towards him.

"What happens if I stay like this?" She said, "What happens if I change into a Lost One or even worse, a Seacher?"

"Well, I mean, at least you'll have some sort of power or memory of the game." Dylan said, reaching int his pocket. "All I've got is this" he pulled out Sans' eye. Cheyenne backed away for a second.

"Who's is that's Dylan?!" The girl said in shock. She stared at the eyeball in surprise, she had never expected this, although, she never expected anything anymore...

"Sans'" Dylan replied. He stared at it. It hadn't changed much, it still was the vibrant blue he had known to love, the only thing that was different was that it no longer emitted the faint blue mist.

Cheyenne's eyes widened in no longer fear, but excitement, a smile creeping along her face.

"You don't mean..." Cheyenne trailed off.

"Undertale" they both said in unison. There was a moments silence.

"What was it like?" She asked.

"Depressing" Dylan answered. "Nearly all of them were dead"

"What?! How?" The girl said.

"Let's just say, another War broke out" he said, "Sans was still there though" Dylan said, trying to lighten the mood, "He gave me this so I could pass the barrier, that's how I ended up here" the boy finished.

"Oh..." Cheyenne Said, a little upset. "Does it do anything?"
Dylan shrugged.

"Well, Alphys Said-" he was cut off.

"Alphys is still alive!" Cheyenne interrupted. Alphys was her favourite character in Undertale. Dylan nodded.

"He said that this would also connect us" he glanced down at the eye.
Cheyenne raises at brow.

"So, powers?" She questioned. Dylan shrugged.

"I don't know, haven't tried it" he said.

"Well then do it!" Cheyenne said through her excitement. Stain smiled nervously,

"I'll try but I don't really know how this thing works"

The boy held up the eye, hoping that at least something might happen. He inhaled, counting how long he could hold it before something was blown up or destroyed.

One. Two. Three. All they could hear was the gramophone's music in the distance.

Four. Five. Six. Still nothing.

Seven. Eight. Nine.

"I don't think it's going to work" Cheyenne Said, breaking the silence.

"I don't think so either" Dylan agreed, slightly disappointed. He put the eye away, safe in his trouser pocket.

"We should probably go check on Boris" Dylan said all of a sudden. Cheyenne agreed.

"Yeah I think we should" she said as they both walked out to meet the lone wolf.

"Hey Buddy" Dylan said as they came into the main room.

"Hey, Boris" Cheyenne Said, the shock of seeing another of her favourite characters was, amazing. However, now that she saw the real life cartoon character, she was reminded of his past, trauma and torture he had been through. Not forgetting what would happen to him later on. It sent a pang of guilt through her. "Hey Buddy" she corrected,

"I'm so sorry" she thought.

The wolf stared up at them, still sat down, enjoying the music and his food. It really was unbelievable.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me" Dylan said, searching his pockets once more. "Boris gave me this" he pulled out the door lever to the exit of the safe house. Cheyenne's eyes widened at the sight of it, she had been so wrapped up in her form and Dylan's journey she had forgotten about the rest of the chapter...

"The lever..." she said, looking at the door. The two teenagers looked at each other.

"The sooner we do this, the sooner we can go home...hopefully" Dylan said. Cheyenne said, she was putting on her brave face.

"Alright, let's go" she said, letting Dylan get to the door. He came closer to it, gave Cheyenne one last look, then put the handle back where it belonged.

The door opened, revealing the familiar hallway, out into the darkness.

"Boris" Cheyenne Said, she turned seeing the wolf behind her. A smile came to her face. "Stay close to me ok?" The wolf didn't say anything, but instead nodded. She also did. "Alright" she turned back to her friend and they all left one of the only places that was safe.

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