Chapter eight: Laughter of the dead

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When he awoke, the strange blue light he had seen before and dragged into, took his breath away. His mind was a blur, the whole senario from the normal after school event he always went to on a Friday was perfectly normal, that was, until all of this happened. Seeing a ghost on the school campus, which he was not expecting. Fortunately, being with his friends sort of helped the fear of the supernatural, however, now that he was alone, the situation was much worse.

The blue light faded and he began to fall...

The boy awoke, dizzy, sore and confused.

"The hell?" He said, rising up to stand on his own, two, unstable feet. He looked around, darkness was all that surrounded him, rocky, jagged walls covered his view of the world. He looked up, seeing familiar blue skies above him, watching his every move. The feeling of isolation made him feel crazy from the emptiness in his stomach.

"Where am I?" He asked rhetorically, it was followed by silence.

Then, a chorus of laughs answered his question.

"Hey friend!" Said a strange familiar voice.

"What the-" Dylan said, even more confused. He looked around cluelessly, until he found where the voice came from. Hidden away from the sunlight, was a small, yellow flower, the patch of grass it was on was dead and lifeless at the edges, slowly creeping up towards the living plant. However, although it's circumstances may have looked unhopeful, it's bright smile didn't fade.

"F-Flowey?!" He said, his voice shaking uncontrollably. The plant laughed at his reaction.

"Welcome to the inside of Mount Ebott friend!" He said cheerfully, "Or as I like to call it, hell!" Another chorus of laughs echoed through the hollow cliff.

"What happened to this place?" Dylan asked, the flower laughed again at his pointless question.

"The War" was all the plant could manage to say before bursting into another fit. "The War!" He repeated.

"What War?" Dylan asked, he knew that the game itself mentioned one at the start of the game, but this War, this seemed different.

"Wha-!" You don't know of, The War?!" Flowey said, his smile beaconing at the boy, Dylan shook his head. Flowey chuckled and began to tell his tale:

"Not so long ago, at the bottom of Ebott Mountain, the monsters of the deep became sad, lonely and some even depressed! Even the King wasn't as joyful as he once was! He started, "But not me! I'm as happy as a dandelion!" Dylan rolled his eyes, he had forgotten how Flowey liked to elongate things;

"Wait!" He said suddenly realising what the flower said, "What do you mean 'wasn't?'"

"Shhhhh! I'm getting to that bit!" The plant exclaimed, "Anyway, as I was saying- Even the King wasn't as joyful as he once was. One day, throughout the lonely town of Snowdin, the King decided that he had reached his limit, he persuaded the monsters of the underground that they should resurface to the outside world and that just because they were different didn't mean they should hide." He said, "So he formed an army!"

"An army?" Dylan questioned,

"Yep! An army! You know with some of the doggos, especially that buff one! Oh and that fish girl!"

"Undyne?" Dylan interrupted,

"-Yes! Her! And that weird psycho lady that kidnapped my other friend, damn bastard!" Flowey said,

"Toriel?" Dylan asked,

"Yeah, damn bastard! Oh and that over confident skeleton who had a weird obsession with pasta..."

"Papyrus?" Dylan said, not surprised.

"That's the one!" Flowey exclaimed,

"Where is this going?" Dylan asked, starting to get a little impatient,

"Oh it's going somewhere friend!" Flowey replied excitedly, "Just stay with me friend!"

"Alright..." Dylan answered, staying put. The flower cleared its throat and continued,

"So, the King's army marched right here! Geez, what I saw was unbelievable! It really made my day!" Flowey said, "Anyway, they climbed out of the mountain and into the real world. However what none of us knew that they would come back...Dead that is"

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked slightly concerned,

"What I mean is, 3 days passed and there was no return, only the clear blue skies... and then hell broke loose. The first thing I heard was shouts, followed by footsteps and finally, the sight of humans, angry and all staring down the entrance of my home, our home..." the flower's smile faded for a second, the realisation becoming clear that this story wouldn't end well. "...The humans had kept their bodies after they had been victorious and...had marched all the way up the mountain to dump their bodies" Flowey said sadly, "The leader, I think, had shouted;"

"Monsters don't belong in the real world!"

"Seconds later, I was met with the King and his armies blank stares and broken bones, it wasn't the most pleasant sight..."

"What happened to their bodies?" Dylan asked curiously. The plant glanced down towards the dead grass, Dylan followed his gaze and saw...
He looked back up confused,

"Where are the bodies?" He repeated, yet again the flower glanced down, that's when he saw it. Every town he moved, Dylan caught glimpses of shiny objects embedded into the ground. A look of disgust was set upon his face as he realised what he was staring at.

"Is this-" he stopped, he couldn't finish his sentence, and a pang of sadness clutches at his heart, just knowing that some of his favourite video game characters no longer existed hurt him.

"This" he continued, "This, is them?" Dylan asked. The flower nodded,

"Uh-Huh! That's them! Well, the remains of their amour and clothing, their bodies I use as food" Flowey said, "They're not the tastiest, but food is food!" Dylan gaged after hearing that information.

"Ummmm" Dylan said after an awkward silence,

"Yes friend?!" The plant said, the smile returning to his face.

"Your not going to take my soul are you?" It hadn't occurred to him until now. Flowey at the start of the game, after Frisk talks to him, Flowey tries to take Frisk's soul away,

"Course not! I've already got all seven, I don't need an extra one!" The flower smile,

"Oh..." Dylan said relived, "Ok, well, seeing as your not going to take my soul, I'll just get going-" he was cut off by laughter.

"What?!" Your not going anywhere!" The flower exclaimed, the next thing Dylan knew, he was being lifted up into the air by Flowey's roots. More laughter erupting from his mouth.

"My new friend! Your are going to enjoy this little game I have in store for you!" The ground stared to rumble as vine-like legs emerged from the dirt.

"Shall we go find out?" Flowey asked,

"NO!" Dylan yelled, trying to break free. The flower giggled and ignored the boys pleads and started walking down a dark entryway.

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