Chapter fourty-five: Just another nightmare...

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Alex awoke dazed, his only friend in this never ending nightmare had been taken and he had no idea where he really was,

"Hello?" He said, there was obviously no reply. "Please tell me there's another Nome around here" he said.

"Hey!" Alex shouted into the echoy abyss of the sky. It seemed endless as he stared up at it giving him virtigo. How did he not die?
His question was answered as he looked down, a mattress below his feet, it wasn't the comfist, or the nicest to sleep on, but had broken his fall and stopped him from dying, although as this was a video game, he wondered...

He shook his head, now was not the time to save his only friend in this horrid world. So far...

He took a few steps, breathing heavily, like at any moment something or someone would jump out and try to attack him. He creeped forward, dreading what might happen if he made a slight noise. He didn't want to find out. But he did.

It was first a small hiss, followed by a sloppy, black worm like 'creature'. Alex's eyes widened in fear,

"Leeches!" Alex yelled and begin to run, normally they weren't supposed to be as scary as in real life, but here, everything is a nightmare. His limbs still ached and throbbed from the fall he had experienced, what felt like only minutes ago, he wished he hadn't worn his PE kit today as this felt way more like a workout then the normal lesson he would have gotten at school, this was more like running from the bullies as they wanted to steal your scooter and instead of riding it, it was bashing against your legs and ankles all while trying to not let the vehicle way you down. However, the scooter was replaced by the leeches, but the fear was the same.

After what felt like a eternity a somewhat hope came into view before him.
A ladder.

It didn't seem like much, but to Alex it was everything. No more running from misshaped leeches, no more fear of dying, no more nightmares...

Or so he thought.

He climbed up, but the propaganda he had been promised became just another nightmare.


Never-ending darkness contained in a pit.

An old structure, ready to collapse from his weight at any second.

Followed by death.

Alex. Hated. Heights.

"Unholy shit!" Alex yelled, hearing his voice echo down the 'pit of death'.
He stared at the other side, a looming corridor of shadows waited for him, however, the pounding in chest only became faster as he over thought the situation.
He tried to think of what Cheyenne had said to him once:

"Just... Just try to think of this like... Like evolving." Cheyenne had said the two of them were one step away from more than a nasty fall,

"yeah... like evolving, first you crawl your way around, then you learn how to walk, then run and then jump" she had said, looking him in the eyes with a hopeful smile on her face, like this didn't effect her.

"Just like evolving" Alex said to himself now as he pressed himself into the wall, like he wanted to become one with it.

"...Run and then jump..." He started to chant as he readied himself.

"Run and then jump..." He continued, bursting into a sprint.

"RUN AND THEN JUMP!" he yelled as his feet lost contact with the floor beneath him.
He took one final breath as darkness lurked towards him, followed by a door handle.
A smile crept along his face as his feet hit a surface once more.

He was safe.
But not free.

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