Chapter eighty-eight: A suspect falls

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"What was that all about?" Cheyenne asked. The other two shrugged.

"I think that maybe the Ghost Girl was right..." Alex theorised. Looking down.

"And?..." Dylan added, knowing that the boy had more to say.

"And...we-I mean he, might be screwed" Alex finished.

"I think what he's really trying to say is 'we're fucked'" Dylan corrected.
Cheyenne nodded.

"What was it she said? 'If he does get his way  she'll die' or something?"
Dylan nodded, not knowing exactly what the girl mentioned but that seemed close enough.

"So, what does that mean?" Alex asked the two of them.

"We have to get out of this loop" Cheyenne answered. "The never ending cycle of death, jumpscares and animatronics not liking anime. I mean come on! It's in their name!" Cheyenne half joked.

"And you know what's in your name?" Dylan said. The girl shook her head. "Chy is for SHUT UP ABOUT ANIME!" Dylan roasted her. He looked a taken back, almost offended if she realised it was a joke.

"Thanks" Alex said, smiling at Dylan's bad pun, no wonder why he was chosen Undertale.

"Ok so with bad jokes and offensiveness out the way, can we come up with a plan?" Cheyenne asked, a little red from embarrassment.

"Good plan" Dylan finished.
Alex and Cheyenne stared at him dumbly.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"What you said before" Dylan reminded her, "We have to get out this loop"

"Yeah and remember what you said?" Cheyenne replied. "There are eight nights and we don't get to choose"

"But what if we do..." Dylan trailed off heading towards the door. He slowly made his way to it, opening it to check for killer robots and other murderous things, but there was nothing there...yet. 

The boy sneaked out of the dead girls room, being cautious so he would avoid any creeks from the floorboards. The other two members following him. Carefully, Dylan unhooked the Looking Eye from his trousers, holding it up in front of him, but not too close so it would fire, and used the little fairy lights around it as a source of sight.
A sense of sight.
But not sound...

A chorus of giggles erupted from the darker section of the hallway, causing the teenagers to jump in fear.

"What was that?!" Cheyenne whispered to the others, luckily for them, they were all in a single file line so only the tall ones had to endure the horror that would soon meet them.

"I don't know!" Dylan whispered back.

"Well you should! You got the light!" Alex said in the same tone as his friend.
Another chorus of laughter.

"Don't worry, I'm ready, it'll be fun!" They heard a familiar voice sing.

"No one suspects anything"

"I was the one...that was not fun"

"It's no longer fun..."

"Because I was the one"

"The one who fell from his work being done"

"No I am I not the son"

"I am not his loved one"

"I am the one who outrun his work"

"His work that causes him to lurk"

"His work that has to be done with a killer's smirk"

"I am unVanny..."
The person stopped singing, leaving  the four to quiver in the darkness, their open blanket to hide from the monsters.
Her monster.

They were met with two reddish pink eyes, and a psychopath smile. Followed by the quick sound of a knife when you scrape it against something.
In this case...a metallic arm, an unfamiliar arm, black fur lining the metal frame, it wasn't any of the animatronics they had seen. So who's was it?
She giggled one last time before singing the last sentence of the spine chilling song:

"I have selected one"

She skipped merrily towards them, the blade she carried weighing her down a little as they stared face to face with his sidekick.
His daughter.
The ghost of William's fourth child.
The proof of his crimes.

"And now that he has got his way..."
The rabbit continued:

"His work is done"
They heard another sinister laugh behind them as bright purple eyes met their gaze.

"RUN!" Dylan yelled to his friends as they bolted down the corridor, the two rabbits, one skipping, one glitching, followed after them. Their giggles filling them with dread as every footstep became somehow closer and further away from Death...

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