Chapter ninety-eight: You'll die too

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It was dark, as usual. It was lucky that Alex's eyes can easily adjust to the dark, now that he had been in it so often.
Although, that didn't stop the fear from coursing all around his system.

His hand shook as he tried to keep it steady as he turned the flashlight in his hand on. He turned it off immediately after, yelling in fright as he saw a familiar and deadly character a few feet in front of him.
With a stripped hat with a little fan on it as well as a matching shirt and blue jeans.
From what Alex saw, it had smiled at him with it's razor sharp teeth and beady blood red eyes.

"You little shit!" Alex yelled as the animatronic ran away, Alex turning on his flashlight to watch him go through a door.
That's when he also noticed the clock across from him.
Counting down to his death...

"Why didn't I choose the dolls!" Alex yelled to himself as he heard a noise, causing him to turn on his only source of life once more.
The animatronic ran across the room, giggling as it did so, making Alex even more scared as he realised that it was getting closer to him.
But why?
He looked down, suddenly realising why.
There, placed in the centre of the room was a bright red X. Alex looked up, and wondered why it was there.

"Hello!" Balloon Boy said, as he ran past Alex into another room.

"You! Go away!" Alex stuttered as he fumbled his flashlight around, trying not to die as he did so.

"Hey! Get out here you little shit! I'll give you a torch full of...fuck!" Alex yelled, trying to make a good come back, however, failing miserably.
He turned the light on again and this time, he was met with the animatronic...sitting at his feet that was.
Alex had managed to get Balloon Boy on the red X.
His target.

There was a cheer from an unknown source of children before he was transported to a different room.
A prize room.

In the dark void was only a table, with a present on it, a crack attached to the side of it. The only decorations in the room was a single banner, the words 'congratulations' written on it.

"Uhhh..." Alex said, pointing to the present with suspicion. "I don't like this.."
He tried to look for a way out but couldn't see an exit. In the end, with a sigh, he wound up the present to reveal...
A Freddy plushie.
Alex dropped it immediately, scared that it would jumpscare him, but it didn't.

"Uhh..." Alex said, picking it up off of the floor, "I think I'm just gonna place you on the table and take my leave" he said and pressed the continue button that had magically appeared on the table.
He was then, unsurprisingly, transported to the main room once more.
He looked around, seeing no one with him.

Only the green, purple eyed killer waving at him from a distance...
Staring into his soul.
And somehow...

Almost managing to retrieve it.

"He will try and merge with us, which is not a good thing as he wants to escape"
He remembered Cheyenne saying.
However, there was no memory of how to get rid of it.
He looked around, panicking as he did so to try and find a way to stop it. Then he saw a box with a lever.
With not much hope left, or any other option, he switched it and was transported to a whole new world...

Nope. It was the same room. Just extremely bright, with colours merging into one another.
Not like Glitchtrap anymore...

The rabbit was gone. No eyes. No green. No hand waving at him. Alex looked around, trying to spot the character, but he couldn't find him anywhere.
With a slightly cautious shrug, switched the box back to the other dimension.
But. He stopped.

Seeing his hand, grasped delicately onto the handle. His slim fingers and fragile hand and slender arm, he rushed around trying to find a reflective surface to see himself in. Then he saw a very slim reflection of himself.
No. Herself.
He had turned into a she again.
But why?
And how?

"Adventure is only the beginning of your stories"
Alex heard a familiar voice say.
He turned and saw the ghost girl staring at him, he looked at her, she was younger than she looked, nearly about the same age as them, maybe younger, maybe older, he didn't know, but what he did know was that she looked more visible.

Her blouse that was usually white had become more pink, as well as her ghostly hair, which had become more blonde, and her face. Filled with some human colour.
But her eyes. Her eyes stilled stayed the same, even though her appearance had gained some light.

"Running is only the middle of your stories"
The girl continued.

"Then what's at the end?" Alex asked the ghost.

"Horror Gang is not the end of your stories"
The Ghost Girl finished.

"What?!" Alex said. "That makes no sense!" He yelled. The girl looked down.

"I tried to hide from daddy. He wants me, he says it's a surprise. For my birthday, I think he said." The girl said. "You and your Gang are invited though. Mommy said it's good to have friends. Did you know they are my friends?
Daddy said that Evan, Micheal and Elizabeth will be there too. I hope they are because..."
The girl stopped for a second.
"Otherwise I won't see them, not for a long time that is"

"What do you mean? Why are you here? How did you die? What does he-" Alex tried to say.

"Too many questions!" The girl said. "I am playing hide and seek from daddy" the girl answered. "I died?" The girl asked Alex.
The other figure stood still, worried that he had just told her something he shouldn't of.

"Oh.." the girl said, "Daddy wants to celebrate my birthday! Did you know it is my birthday?" The girl asked again.

"Yes, I did" Alex said. Then he paused, thinking of a question that would answer all their problems...maybe.

"Who are you?" He asked.
The girl looked at him in shock.

"You...don't know me?" The girl asked.

"I do but..what's your name?" He asked.

"Ella" the girl answered. "But it's a nickname for Vanessa" the girl said.

"Where did you get that nickname from?" Alex said.

"Ella?" The girl said, "I think it was because daddy said 'I see all'" the girl laughed. "Get it? Ella? seEaLL? ELLA?" The girl asked.

"Yes. Very funny" Alex replied.

"It's not funny! It's smart!" The girl said, giggling a little. "Alright, maybe a little funny"

"Why did you make us go through all those games?" Alex asked.

"To make you watch all my nightmares come to life. That girlfriend of yours is very smart" Ella said, "Like my name"
Alex sighed, it really was like talking with a child.

"My daddy is probably calling me, I should go-"

"But I thought you said you were playing hide and seek from him?" Alex mentioned.

"I am, but I need to give him a hint!" The Ghost Girl said and disappeared from Alex's view. He sighed and turned back around to the switch. He pressed it and was once again transported to the main room.
Where, to his surprise, Cheyenne stood.

"There you are!" She yelled as soon as he came back. "I was looking for you everywhere! Where have you been?"

"Getting answers" Alex replied and started to explain his supernatural encounter.

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