Chapter one hundred and ten: Friendships over gender

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Aoi's scream had attracted more pupils to rush into the girls changing room to see what they had witnessed, they too all having shocked faces as the sight of death hit them, hard.

"How did this happen?!" Dylan said in shock, "And to kill someone again so soon!" He looked at Cheyenne, just a disturbed as him, then she looked over at Alex. Almost heartbroken.

"That's what we're trying to find out" Byakuya said from outside the girls changing rooms, he might of a Tsundere, but he was a gentleman.
That's when a familiar, cheerful but despairing, tune rang out and a TV monitor switched on.

"A body has been discovered!" A high pitched voice said as Monokuma appeared on the screen. "You will have a certain amount of time to figure out anything about this investigation! You can use this time as you like! Good luck!"
The bear laughed as the screen switched off.

"Great!" Dylan said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, mainly to stop looking at the body in front of him. They turned away from the sight, all apart from Alex who was transfixed on Chihiro, like if he stared at her long enough she would come back.
However, he knew too well that wouldn't happen...

"Where should we begin?" Aoi asked curiously, not wanting to hold back the investigation any longer.

"I think we should start by gathering-" Byakuya summarised before he was shoved out the way by Mondo, a terrified look on his face.

"WE HEARD THE ANNOUNCEMENT! WHO DIED-" he stopped himself after seeing Chihiro's body. He stared at her with morbid horror.
Then anger.

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO HER!" He yelled, "I MADE A PROMISE!" He almost broke down in tears.

"A promise?" Byakuya said, managing to gain his composure before he was knocked to the side again by Taka.

"Bro! Did you-" Taka yelled who also held his words as he looked at the corpse. "Now who did this! You all know this is unexceptional and I demand-!"

"You demand nothing yet as we don't know who did it" Byakuya answered, actually heading inside this time so he wouldn't get pushed again, he adjusted his glasses carefully.
"As I was saying; I suggest-"

"BROOOS!" Another voice yelled out and raced to the room, however just as he was about to get there, Byakuya slammed the door in their face to stop them from pushing him again.
Dylan laughed a little.
There was a loud 'thump' before they yelled:

The pounding stopped as the figure fell to the floor as Byakuya opened the door, unimpressed by Luke's threat. He stepped back, letting the boy get up without any help.
He looked at Dylan angrily.

"ONE DAY DYLAN I SWEAR I WILL-" he was once again stopped by Cheyenne's hand, covering his mouth.

"Luke, chill, it wasn't even Dylan" she said as the boy struggled against her grip like a certain anime character from Cheyenne's favourite anime. He growled just as angrily as Cheyenne let go of him, still keeping nearby so he wouldn't attack the boy.

"Well? Is that everyone?" Cheyenne asked Byakuya who had reopened the door to check. Outside stood Kyoko, Hifumi and Celeste, all worried about the announcement.

"Nearly" He answered her defensively, he looked almost puzzled as his brow furrowed.

"Then, who's left?" She asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Toko" he said, double checking if she was there.
But she wasn't.

"Last time I checked she went to her room" Kyoko said, giving a very important hint.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang