Chapter thirty-six: Prision of the overthinkers

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The two felt trapped, consumed, terrified of the unknown. Darkness was the only thing Cheyenne could see. Voices of the Lost Ones and others was the only thing she could hear. They needed and exit, they needed a way out.
They needed to be set free.

The two were thrown out of the puddle and onto a floor, Cheyenne looked up, seeing the familiar writing of Alice on the wall. They had made it.

"We're here?" Dylan said in shock, he wasn't expecting it to actually work.

"Yeah" Cheyenne said, "We're here" she turned towards the open door that lead to the way out. "Come on, we need to get out of here" she said and rushed out of the hideout and back into the open, Dylan following close behind.

The tunnel they went through was small, overcrowded and filled with ink, Cheyenne and Dylan carefully made their way across it, coming to the end where the dim light shone, beyond a black river of ink and two boats parked at a dock.

"Come on" Cheyenne said, "We can take the secret passage" she quickly went over to switch that lowered the first boat and flipped it, making the vehicle move downwards and into the river.

"The hand" Dylan mentioned, the giant gloved hand that lived in the river was best known for making people shout in fear and from the tension, however, to this day it is still unknown who it belongs to.

"It's fine, we're only going across the river to that ledge" Cheyenne pointed out. It was small and the only thing that seemed to be important on there was the door itself, the rest was just covered in broken boat parts.

"Oh, right" Dylan remembered, now that Alice and Tom were dead they could use that passage. Dylan got onto the boat and released it, it was unsteady at first but then the ride to the passage was smooth. It only took them a few minutes before they reached the other side. They carefully claimed off the boat and onto steady ground once more.

"Do you know when this ends?" Dylan asked as Cheyenne opened the door, inside yet again, another tunnel,

"I hope to the Lost Ones city" Cheyenne answered as the two of them stepped inside.

It was a long journey they had, each step, each chapter had been worth risking their lives for, for each other. Each person they had known, they had came across, good or bad, had helped them through this hell. Even the Devil himself in some cases. And although they were gone, Cheyenne knew they were still with her.
Still wander through this Ink Machine. She was relieved that this would end soon, that she would get to go home, to see her friends, to be in the real world. But first she needed to stop Bendy and save everyone.

After all, like Sammy had said, she was the Saviour. 

They came to a door at the end of the long, winding tunnel. Cheyenne looked at Dylan, the boy doing the same thing,

"Is this it?" He asked, "The Lost Ones City?"

"I hope so" Cheyenne said as she pushed open the door.

Beyond it was the same small island that Cheyenne had seen too many times to count. The candles lit everywhere, the comfortable aroma it brought, the small row of houses....

"Wait" Cheyenne said, "Where are the houses?"
Instead of the deserted streets and homes that belong to the Lost Ones, it was replaced with cages, like Cheyenne had seen in Chapter 4, filled with the sobbing black figures. Some were pressed up against the inky walls curled up into a ball, crying, while some stood, staring out of the bars that held them captive. Now that Cheyenne was closer, she could make out that the walls were covered in writing that had been written over so many times that it had become unclear to read. Just like Grant Cohen's office. Cheyenne rushed over to the shrine where Sammy would of appears but it had already been replaced with more bars, filled with Lost Ones.

"What happened?" Dylan asked Cheyenne as he came to join her,

"I...don't know" she replied staring at the sign that read 'Not Monsters'. "Dylan" she asked,


"Can I borrow the Looking Eye?" Cheyenne asked, Dylan hesitated for a moment,

"You're not going to destroy the City are you?!" He said, Cheyenne shook her head.

"No, although it may have the eye on it, it's still the Seeing Tool" Cheyenne said,

"Oh, right" Dylan remembered and passed her the device. Cheyenne held it up to her face and looks through it seeing the glowing golden writing above the sign. It read:

'Once people now fallen into despair"

"They are still people" Cheyenne said mainly to herself, "They beloved in Sammy, but now he's dead so-"
Cheyenne held up the Looking Eye again, underneath the other piece of writing it read:

"But she brings hope, she will set us free"

"They believe in me"
She passed the Looking Eye back to her friend and pointed at their exit. "Dylan can you-" but before she could finish the boy had already used the device to blast through the planks of wood. "Thanks" Cheyenne said,

"Don't worry about it, you can always rely on Dylan The Destroyer!" He joked, Cheyenne laughed getting the 2D minecraft joke.

"Come on, we need to go, We've got a city to save!" Cheyenne announced as they made their way over to the passageway, only to stop as Cheyenne recalled what would happen next.

"Dylan" Cheyenne said, "You ready?"

"Always am at this point" he said, making Cheyenne laugh,

"Alright then"



"Three" they said together and jumped onto the loose floorboard, making them descend deeper into this hell.

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