Chapter ninety-four: Turst her, save him

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It was dark, for a while. Nothing but the flashes of Baby's control panel seemed to pass the time. After all, she was the main protagonist here.

Cheyenne had crawled back under the desk, wondering if she would have to go to Baby or she would come to her. It hadn't been too long, only a minute or two, but it felt like hours. Was she afraid.
A little.
It was more that she didn't know where she was going. HandyUnit hadn't spoken a word to her and she had barely managed to see in the dark. Yet alone make it back under the desk. She looked at the desk and then at the metal gate she had been caged in not so long ago. She shuddered, wondering if those other things were still here.
She slowly took a breath in and closed the door. A few seconds past in silence then she heard her.

"Did you know I was on stage once? It wasn't for very long.
Only one day...
what a wonderful day though. I was in a small room with balloons and a few tables, no one sat at the tables though. But children would run in and out. Some were afraid of me, others enjoyed my songs.
Music was always coming from somewhere else.
Down a hall.
I would always count the children. I'm not sure why, I was always acutely aware of how many there were in a room with me. Two, then three, then two, then three, then four, then two.
Then none.
They usually played together in groups of two or three. I was covered in glitter. I smelled like birthday cake. There were two, then three, then five, then four.
I can do something special. Did you know that?
I can make ice cream!
Although, I only did it once...

There were four, then three, then two...
Then one.
Something happened when there was one. A little girl, standing by herself.
I was no longer...myself.
And I stopped singing.
My stomach opened, and there was ice cream.
I couldn't move, not until she stepped closer.
There was screaming for a moment, but only a moment. Then other children rushed in again, but they couldn't hear her over the shouts of their own excitement.
Only one wondered where she was.
She looked a little like her though, with blonde hair and green eyes with a pink dress.
But after a while she went home shouting and crying probably for the girl.
I still hear her sometimes, walking through my room.
Still calling for the girl...
Why did it have to happen?"

She stopped, her mind filled with questions. Some. Already answered by herself. Others. Unknown. Cheyenne opened up the gate, wondering if it was safe and slowly crept forward, trying not to make any noise.
Except from the pounding of her heart...
She saw a dimly lit entrance in front of her, she crawled faster.
Then hesitated.
Where was this?
She thought about it for a moment before continuing. With much effort she pulled herself out of the small compartment and looked above her. There, placed on a conveyer belt was Baby. Her metallic corpse limp and unmoving and her eyes even more dead than the rest of her. But they still looked vengeful.
Cheyenne shuddered in discomfort and stood up cautiously, scared if any movement could wake up the animatronic and kill her.
Or worse...

"Great job reaching Parts and Service. Circus Baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason."

"Parts...and Service?" Cheyenne questioned.

"It is your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secure to the conveyer. Our technicians will take it from there" HandyUnit said. There was loud static before being left alone in silence for a while.

"What the fuck?" Cheyenne said, slightly panicked. Then there was another voice, one she had heard a bit too often in this play through. If she could even call it that.

"Can you hear me? I'm pretending" they said.

"NOO! No your not! You're dead!" Cheyenne yelled at Baby.

"Remember how I said I could pretend? The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move. However....Oh. It's not you..." Baby said, slightly disappointed.

"What do you mean it's not me?! I am me aren't I?!" She yelled.

"I was hoping to see him again. He liked me you know? He said I was pretty and perfectly fine, that I didn't need to be scooped. Did you know that?" She asked.

"No!" Cheyenne replied.

"Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens...
I don't want it to happen again.
That's why I'm going to be taken to the scooping room soon. I was supposed to last time, but....he never got the chance. A person came up behind him and dragged him away from me, I would of saved him but...the cameras." Baby said. "The cameras are always watching...maybe if you turn them off I can still save him...." Baby continued.

"Uhhh Nope, I'm ok thanks. I think I'll keep the cameras on" Cheyenne said.

"I might be able to save him, but, it won't fix me. What is bad is always left behind.
Like me.
Will you help me?
I want to save what is good. That includes him. You know? It might not be too late. Maybe...maybe if you take me to the scooping room now I can save him. Not pretend anymore."

"Yeah! I like that idea!" Cheyenne said.

"But if you're going to help me, you must remain calm. And listen to my voice. And you must be careful. But first...
There is a button in my cheek. You must find it and press it." Baby instructed.

"Okkkaayyy..." Cheyenne said, searching for the button. She found it and did what the animatronic asked. "Did it!" She said proudly as one side of Baby's cheek opened, revealing a keypad.

"There is a passcode you need before you can retrieve me." Baby said. "Enter the code carefully:
7, 1, 7, 4, 4, 5, 7, 2, 9, 3"
Cheyenne punched in those numbers and was met with congrats from Baby.
"Good. A hatch should of opened."
Cheyenne looked over to her other cheek and saw it was open. "Take the card that you find inside."
Cheyenne did.
"Now you must turn back. I will guide you through the vents to reach the scooping room, when you are there; I want you to save him first then destroy my body. After, put the card in the HandyUnit and I can continue to speak with you.
Now, press the green button to your left"
Cheyenne turned and saw the large button she pressed it.
"Now I shall be sent to the scooping room...
See you there..." Baby said lastly before her body was whisked away on the conveyer belt. She looked down at the card in her hand. She didn't have HandyUnit, Alex did. She turned towards the vents again and this time, rushed back through them and back into Baby's room, then back to the main room.

"Hey! Guys!" She yelled as she came closer to the exit, once she was there Alex helped her up.
"Luke's in trouble! We have to get out of here!" She said to them.

"How?" Alex asked.

"He's been crushed!" She replied. They all looked at one another in concern, wondering what to do.

"How do we get out of here?!" Dylan asked. Cheyenne smiled, looking at Foxy's vent.

"We crawl" she said and was about to go through but stopped, remembering something. "Alex!" She said.

"Yeah?" The boy replied, he looked worn out and like he had been in shock.

"Give me HandyUnit" she said, Alex did and watched her as Cheyenne placed the card inside of the yellow device. Then a voice emerged from it:

"You must follow my instructions in Funtime Auditorium. Foxy and Ballora will be after you." The three heard.

"What?!" Dylan and Alex yelled.
Cheyenne shushed them.

"Ballora is going to follow you while Foxy will be more sneaky. But they will both try to catch you all" Baby said.

"Oh-no!" Dylan groaned.

"I will help you avoid them. They will not follow you inside the scooping room though."

"The what?!" Alex yelled. "No we are not going in there!"

"Luke's in there!" Cheyenne yelled. "About to get scooped!"

"Go through to Funtime Auditorium and I'll lead the way..."
The three did and hoped that they could trust the animatronic.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें