Chapter three: The arrival

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Inside wasn't any warmer, in fact, it was colder. Thanks to the continuous opening and closing of the doors, (which Dylan still thinks are mysterious contraptions that summon the gates of hell) the cold air was constantly being blown in Dylan, Alex and Cheyenne's direction and even though that have been told by two teachers to take off their winter wear. They hadn't.

"Where is he?" Cheyenne said through chattering teeth.

"How am I supposed to know?!" Alex answered. The three of them had taken cover behind the door of the computer room. There, were four perfectly alined laptops. They were small and all taken by the younger years, probably playing the ripoff games that they were only allowed to access without the computer's fire wall kicking in. Dylan peeked his head around the corner, when he returned he had a sly smile on his face.

"And he has arrived" he said, "And he is quite literally arriving on a slime" he said.

"What?" Cheyenne Said, and looked round to see Luke. "Oh my God..." she said and face planted her head.

"Is he Naruto running?!" Alex asked,  leaning on Cheyenne's shoulder to try and get a better view. She didn't mind it, it was just, his chin was digging into her collar bone and it hurt, a lot.

"Yep" Dylan said through laughter. He was indeed. The boy was running so fast with his arms not even by his sides, instead, they where up in the air, his head looking down at the ground, not even looking where he was going.

"We should-" but before Cheyenne could finished, there was a loud 'thump' followed by a annoyed Luke and a lot of swearing.

"OW!" he said, "THE FUCK DID THIS COME FROM?!" He shouted, the three of them could hear him through the door. "FUCK YOU DYLAN! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He pointed at him through the glass.

Cheyenne couldn't help but burst into laughter. She crouched onto the floor, tears streaming down her face. Luke continued,

"FUCK YOU DYLAN! I BET YOU HAVEN'T RAN INTO A DOOR BEFORE! FUCK YOU!" He said, "AND YOU TOO DOOR!" he finished, as he opened it.

"What a great morning" Dylan said sarcastically,

"Uh huh" Alex replied through a mouth full of chicken, he had taken another piece of the takeaway and enjoying throughly. Cheyenne finally got up from the floor, wiping the tears from her eyes, her cheeks hurt from smiling as well as her stomach from laughing so hard. Luke came to join them.

"Hey" He said once he had calmed down enough. He glanced at Cheyenne, a small blush appearing on the other girls face.

"Hey" she said Cheyenne turned away, after seeing the large, red lump that was getting bigger by the second.

"Uhh Luke" Cheyenne said,

"WhAt?" He said, his voice cracking a little,

"Maybe you should go to medical, that doesn't look too good" she suggested, the boy shook his head, causing him more pain.

"I'll be fine" he said and stormed off into the atrium, the three of them watching him go. Once he was gone everyone turned their attention to Alex, still munching on the chicken.

"Is that...KFC?" Jackson asked, coming out of nowhere, Alex nodded, his mouth still full.

"Oh yeah" Dylan remembered, "I went to KFC this morning and bought a bucket for everyone to share" he said, "Feel free to have some"

"I will, Thanks!" Jackson said and claimed the last piece of chicken. Just as he bit into the tender piece of food, the bell rang and the shouts of teachers rang through the hall, notifying the students that it was time for their first lesson.

"Aww" Jackson said, Cheyenne patted him on the back,

"Don't worry, breaks in two hours" she said,

"Two hours to long!" Jackson complained and the four of them went to lesson, stripping off their winter wear as they went.

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