Chapter one hundred and nine: Trust, suspicion and secrets

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The corridor was nearly empty as the three made their way out of the trial room, the large doors closing behind them as they did so, to be met with some looks from the group, Luke, Mondo and Taka nowhere to be seen, Dylan hanging out with Makoto and Hiro, Byakuya heading out of the room and probably to the library, Toko following him. Sakura, Chihiro and Aoi heading out to somewhere, that's when Alex woke Cheyenne from her daydream by tapping her on her shoulder.

"I'm going to go with them" he said, gesturing towards the group of girls.

"Alright" Cheyenne said, gripping hold of his arm at the last second, "Stay safe, ok?" She smiled at him, he nodded back, knowing what she meant and rushed to join the group.

"Hey Cheyenne!" She heard Dylan yell, she looked over to him, "I'm gonna go with these guys ok?!" He said, she nodded, giving him her 'speaking without saying anything look' saying 'be careful' to him. He nodded back, leaving Cheyenne to find a person she could go to.
But no, she knew too well that she couldn't trust anyone, even if they were innocent.

"Kill or be killed" she thought to herself and started to head off before Monokuma yelled to stop her in her tracks.

"Wait!" He said, catching up to her. He looked around, seeing that everyone else was gone. "Just to let you know! You will be sharing a room with your buddies!" He explained, "Seeing as we don't have any more rooms, you will be taking Sayaka's old room!" He laughed.

"All four of us?!" She asked him, he nodded and 'popped!' Away" she shivered a little, it wasn't like she didn't mind sharing a room, it was just the whole gender thing, which she didn't mind either but...still felt awkward. She tried to play it off by beginning to wander around the school...

She opened many empty classrooms as she searched, wondering why they were here if they didn't learn anything, only to survive. She continued down a large corridor, soon ending up by the indoor swimming pool they had here, hearing the shouts of excitement, Cheyenne headed inside.

It was warmer in there, the suns rays made the room more humid and the temperature rise, she was glad she wasn't the only one feeling that way too.
Alex sat on the opposite side of the pool, his pe kit on and Six's coat off, he sat there with a smile as he watched Aoi and Sakura splash each other playfully.
However, the two members made eye contact, they both knew that this feeling wouldn't last.
That's when Cheyenne saw it, the sinking feeling of despair behind her friends eyes, knowing that it was already too late...

Alex entered the boys changing room, seeing Chihiro leaning against the wall in a sort of frightened way. She looked scared and upset as the two made eye contact, making Chihiro jump in fright.

"Sorry! Wrong room!" She said, starting to rush out before Alex stopped her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her deep into the eyes.

"It's fine" he said with a small smile, "I'm in the wrong changing room too"
Chihiro gasped in shock, how did he know?
Did Mondo tell him?
She looked away flustered and almost mad, but came to a realisation could he of really known?
She looked up at him and said:

Alex nodded, understanding that this is a secret that she would want to of kept safe, so he just smiled and let her out.
She turned back for a moment with another small smile, before leaving to meet the others. Alex thought that he would join her, but there was something he needed to do first.
However, it was interrupted by the bursting open of the door.

Alex jumped out of his skin and rushed to hide in one of the changing rooms, not locking the door behind him. Through the crack he could just see the room itself, but it was the voice that made his rise in anger.

"WHAT!" Mondo shouted, another voice shushing him.

"How is that possible?!" He asked the figure. There was almost silence and some words that Alex couldn't make out before Mondo spoke again.

"Alright!" He said and stormed out angrily, the door closing and opening again as the other figure left.
Then so did Alex, preparing himself for the despair.

"You...ok?" Cheyenne asked him as Alex stared into the never ending depths of the pool.
He just nodded silently.  

"Why don't you come with me to our new dorm room?" She asked, this made the boy look up, confused.

"What?" He said, she sighed.

"Monokuma said that there are no more dorm rooms so we are all sharing Sayaka's old one" she explained.

"But it's got no bathroom door!" Alex complained.
Then it hit him.
Dorm room.
Changing rooms...

"Hey! We're going to get changed then we'll head to the cafeteria for lunch!" Aoi called at Alex, he nodded back with a smile and turned to leave, letting the girls go first so they could dry off and exit quickly before it got cold.
The boy turned back to Cheyenne upset.

"She's dead..." he told her, she knew too well who and hugged him before heading back with him to the changing rooms so he could grab his coat.
That's when a scream echoed through the room and the door burst open, revealing Aoi scared and horrified, she looked at the two members and said quickly.

"Chihiro....she's dead" with 'shocked' faces they all rushed inside to see the body of Chihiro Fujisaki, her two arms attached to metal poles as her body slumped down, blood oozing from her head. The words BLOODLUST written behind her. They all stared in shock. Real shock.
The second victim.
And the resuming of despair...

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz