Chapter fourty: They are the End

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Everywhere was chaos. Everyone was in the chaos, all around Cheyenne were familiar faces, from iconic to less noticeable, she had summoned everyone to help her and it gave them the chance to get their revenge. However, there maybe a battle now, but she couldn't win the war without everyone.
So there was one thing left to do.

She pushed her way through the never ending madness as she tried to get to the now open doors on the other side of the room that had opened when she had broken all of the tubes, she knew where it lead, she just needed to get there.
And there was one person who could help with that.

"Sammy!" She yelled out, knowing she would get a reply,

"My Leader" she heard behind her, "You called? Are you lost within this madness?" Sammy said,

"Yep still the same as always" Cheyenne thought,

"Yes! Very lost! I need to get to that door on the other side of the room" she pointed,

"Ohh I see, well you have come this far haven't you above ground, so why not go under, I'm sure it shall be easier that way." He said, giggling a little,

"Yes, I was thinking that, but I need you to distract him" she said, pointing at Bendy.

"Our Lord? But he is already distracted" Sammy said, Cheyenne face palmed herself,

"Just watch my back ok?"
The insane Music Director nodded and did what she asked.

Cheyenne got to the ground knowing what she had to do, somehow it was the first thing she had managed to do through this adventure. She thought about the voices, about the darkness and what Alice had said, what the ye had both said. With seconds she felt herself sink and opened her eyes to find herself in the darkness, in the voices. She couldn't help but smile as she walked, searching for the throne room.
That's when she heard them, the battle cries of the dead, the dying a they were slain by the beast, but Cheyenne knew that with the power of the Ink Machine, they would always return. She stopped and thought what the throne room looked like, the massive fancy chair that once belonged to Joey, the TV's that played Bendy cartoons on them, and her friends that were trapped there. She felt herself being pulled by a force as she closed her eyes once more, only to open them when she heard Dylan's voice.

"Cheyenne!" He said, happy to see her, she turned and smiled.

"Hey" she said, as she rushed over to them to remove the chains from their bodies.

"The reel?" Dylan said, noticing that Cheyenne didn't have it in her,

"Gone" she said,

"Gone?! But how?"

"Bendy" the girl replied,

"Then, how are we supposed to get home?" Dylan asked a little too sadly. Cheyenne turned to Henry, who stood there, admiring the two teenagers,

"The reel might of been The End when it was just Henry" Cheyenne said, "But now that we're here what happens if I'm The End?" She questioned, turning towards the projector, she outstretched her hand towards it, ready to touch it, ready to go home. But she hesitated when she heard a growl behind her.

"Cheyenne!" Dylan said afraid, she turned to see Bendy and he didn't look to happy. Her eyes widened in fear as he reached out his claw towards her,

"Henry!" Cheyenne shouted, "Touch it!"
He did what she asked and with a second to spare, Cheyenne reached around her and placed her fingertips on the empty space where the reel should of went. There was silence for a second, before they heard a faint 'click' and the cartoons on the screen switched to say 'The End'.

Bendy looked around in confusion and terror, before he tried to grab Cheyenne again, but before he could even move his hand, there was a flash of white light and the Demon sunk back, hurt. His roar filled the room, a roar filled with pain, something that should of happened long ago. He tried again, but another flash, stopped him from achieving his goal, he roared again, the sound deafening.

Cheyenne's heart thumped in her ears, she was paralysed, all she could do was stand and watch as the Demon was struck with pain. One after another after another, the flashes kept coming, every time he tried to grab her, it failed and he was met with another stabbing pain as another flash went off, but he didn't disappear.

"Why isn't he dying?" Dylan asked, Cheyenne thought about it for a second,

"Maybe" she stared, "I have to reach for him" she said,

"What!" Dylan shouted, "He will kill you!"
Cheyenne shook her head,

"No, he's asking for it to be over, look at him" she pointed as he was hit again, "He also wants this to end" she said, stepping towards him,
"You don't want the pain anymore, do you?"
The demon only growled, he had stopped trying to reach for her. Instead she outstretched her hand towards him, surprisingly, he let her.

"You want this to end" Cheyenne repeated, she stepped forward, aiming for his chest, where his soul should of been and with one last step, her hand sunk into the Demon's body, as his insides began to glow the same colour as Cheyenne's eyes, consuming him.

"Cheyenne?" Dylan said, but he was interrupted by his friend.

"Remember what Joey said, 'Not only is he just on the silver screen but in the hearts of those we entertained with our fancy moving pictures'." Cheyenne said, "He has no heart, I can't feel anything, so, what happens if this is the true ending" she said, "Bendy gets what he needed to survive and we both know that without no Bendy, there is no Ink Machine"
Dylan nodded in shock as he watched the last remaining bits of the Ink Demon were taken by his friend, then, he was gone forever.

Cheyenne turned to face her friend, a smile on her face as the world around them went white, they looked around wondering if this was it, then, saw in the distance their friends that they had met in this dimension. One by one they slowly disappeared before Dylan and Cheyenne were left in this place.

"Where's Henry?" Dylan asked searching for the main character, Cheyenne could only smile,

"He's been set free" she said, "They all have"
She said before the light faded away and revealed a very familiar building.

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