Chapter one hundred and fifthteen: Doki Doki Killing Club

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Alex walked down the street staring at the large and expensive houses that was on the way to Sayori's house.

Alex looked ahead of him to see the cheerful school girl skip down the street, humming a tune very familiar and catchy to Alex, even though he hadn't played the game, only watched a play through.
She turned to face him, a wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling in the sunset.

"You know you're very lucky I chose you" she said to him in an almost song song voice.

"Oh yeah?" Alex replaced a playful smile on his lips. "How come?" He asked, she giggled.

"You'll see" she said as they continued to walk in almost silence, if it wasn't for Sayori humming.
A few minutes passed as they approached a brightly coloured house, the front garden very neat and tidy as well as its appearance, Sayori opened the gate, holding it for Alex as he walked through Sayori rushed to the front door and opened it, gesturing Alex to come inside.

"Welcome!" She said proudly, inside was just as neat, an airy living room and modern kitchen, Alex could tell that Sayori's parents had good jobs.

"It's nice" Alex said to her, she looked at him with an unfamiliar look he hadn't seen before.

"Just nice?" She repeated, Alex stuttered a little then retraced his words.

"I mean, it' friendly" he said.
The girl smiled.

"I like to help the environment" she said, walking to the shoe rack and taking off her shoes, placing them neatly on one of the lines, then she turned back to Alex.
"So! What do you want to do first?" She asked. "We could do a puzzle or uhh..." Sayori stopped, thinking for a moment. "Oo! I know! We could write poems!" She said, turning back to Alex, who nodded, sort of liking the idea, although he wasn't that good at writing poems.
Sayori raced to the stairs then gestured for Alex to follow her.

"Come on! I'll show you my room!" She said as she fled up the steps, Alex following behind at a steady pace. Immediately as they entered the hallway you could tell which room was the girls as it had stickers on the door, she opened the door to reveal a just as bright environment.
Alex walked inside, seeing plushies and oversized bears in the corner, it almost look childish, however, it suited Sayori's personality very well.
Imaginative and cheerful.
As far as Alex could tell.

The girl pulled out her chair from her desk and as she sat down she opened a drawer full of notepads and pens, she picked two out and handed Alex one.

"Here!" She said, passing the boy a pen, he took it willingly and looked down at the empty, lined page on his lap, then thought.
How could he start.
He looked up to see Sayori scribble on the page but not with inspiration in her eyes, but vulnerability. Poetry for her was her safe thing to do, where she could admit what she is feeling through lines of rhymes. Alex then looked back down at his own page, still empty.

"Maybe" he thought, "If Sayori can be vulnerable with her writing, then so can I"
Alex began to write finally, slower than Sayori but fast enough to get his ideas down before he forgot them, when they had both announced that they were finished, Alex compared his own to Sayori's; hers was more like a paragraph, where as Alex's was only a few lines.
The girl smiled at him, glimpsing at his page, then down to her own.

"I'm guessing you're not that good at writing" she said to Alex.
He nodded, slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah" was all he replied before they swapped papers. Alex looked down at Sayori's it was a full page and filled with neat handwriting that had gotten a bit too carried away. Nevertheless, he read away.

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