Chapter four: Now loading, the beginning

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The bell rang for the last time and the classroom doors burst open and students started to flood the halls exhausted, excited and all rushing to get out the doors and out into the world beyond the school gates, however, Cheyenne pushed through the crowd to the English corridor. Dylan had English, which was on the other side of the building,  while she had Maths and Alex had Science. He said he was going to meet her by their classroom and wait for the other two.

Slowly she made her way down the hall, it was nearly empty apart from a small group of year 8's gathered by one of their friend's lockers doing a tictok. Cheyenne rolled her eyes, she had never been interested in dancing or online platforms like Instagram or Twitter. She was quite happy with Whatsapp and Messages.

She arrived at the classroom which was numbered 2.15 and stood in front of the window, all the classrooms had them for when visitors were having a tour around the school, but, mainly it was used for the teachers to check on the classes to make sure they were following the rules. It was colourful, filled with displays of the books they had to study for their GCSE's, like Macbeth and Of Mice And Men, the walls themselves however, were not so bright, they were plain and simple, an almost greyish colour, that begged for a new coat of paint.

"Hey" said a familiar voice, Cheyenne turned and saw Alex treading up the stairs.  "Is he out yet?" She shook her head,

"No, but I think he's  just about to come out" she looked back at the window and saw half their class staring at her, she waved slightly embarrassed. A few seconds passed and the door was flung open by a few boys in their year.  They waited, seeing more people, until, Dylan's face was all that she could see. A bright smile spread across her face as he came out.

"Hey, you guys ready for some imagination shit" Dylan said,

"Like always" Cheyenne replied and dove into her bag and retrieved her notepad. "I have a load of ideas staring with a romantic-"

"Uhhh maybe we should wait until we're at the club" he said, on a Friday, Writing Club (or more known as a voluntary hour after school to get work done) was open for those with a 'wild' imagination. Dylan was the first one to come up with the idea, and after Cheyenne had come with him, Alex had jumped on.

"Oh" Cheyenne said, a little disappointed, "Right" Cheyenne collected her bag off of the floor and the four of them made their way to 'Writing Club', it was normally on the Maths corridor in 2.17, however, once they got there, a small handwritten note had been stuck onto the door:

This classroom is being used for a meeting.
Please go to 1.15 on the humanities corridor for voluntary hour.

Thank you.

Alex and Dylan turned to Cheyenne, she had gone pale white and staring at the note. She gulped,

"That's my...history teacher's class..." she said, for a period of time, Cheyenne had a secret crush on her teacher, she had told her friends in disbelief but the more she was taught by him, the more the feeling became true.

"Oh come on, I can't be the only one!" She had protested, "Everyone once in their lifetime has had a crush on their teacher, I'm just more honest than others" she said, they had given her very judgmental looks but she had just shrugged them off, if they didn't accept it, she would.

"Uhh maybe we should call it a day and go home" Alex said, Dylan shook his head,

"No! Just because one of our friend has a weird crush on one of her teachers isn't going to stop me from writing!" Dylan said, Alex burst into laughter,

"Sure I'm down with that" he said and they both walked to the nearest staircase, dragging Cheyenne along with them, still in slight shock from the note. Alex took a regrettable deep breath in and ran to catch up with them.

"Look!" Dylan said, teasing Cheyenne a little, "Here we are." The humanities corridor wasn't much different to the rest of the school, apart from the many different displays on the walls, some Geography, some History and some Religious Studies. It was a corridor very familiar to Cheyenne.

Cheyenne gave him a death stare and walked into the classroom, her hands shaking a little, the rest gave each other a surprised glance and followed her inside. Luckily the teacher was no where to be seen.

The three of them sat themselves down on a row of three tables. Cheyenne went first, she wanted to sit in her seating plan next to the wall, then Dylan (also because Cheyenne had begged him to sit next to her, it made Alex a little jealous.) Next Alex, only because he wanted to sit close to Cheyenne. Cheyenne, once again, dove into her bag and got out her pad and a pen.

"So" she began, "As I was saying, I think we should work on a romantic-" but before she could finish her sentence, darkness fill their field of view...

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin