Chapter twenty-three: Fallen Angel

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"What is happening?!" Dylan said, as he saw the now dead Alice. Although they were still in the elevator they could see everything clearly.

"I have no idea" Cheyenne said as she stared at the other figure, looking over the dead body. "Alice?" She said, recognising her features immediately.

"Alice?" Dylan repeated, "Wait, Alice?!" He had forgotten how confusing half of the game was, but this, it hurt his brain.

"What is she doing here? Isn't she supposed to show up at the end of Chapter 4?" The boy said.

"Y-Yeah, she is" Cheyenne stuttered,

"Then why is she here?!" Dylan asked.

"I don't know" she answered. Dylan took in a deep breath,

"Should we go see her?" He asked.

"I would of liked to, but" she pointed down where Alice's corpse was. "She's gone"

"How the-" Dylan stopped, seeing something shimmer in the faint light of the now dead Alice's room. He turned towards Cheyenne,

"You see that?" He asked. The girl nodded. "What is it?"

"Do you want to go see?" She said,

"Nah, I'd rather just stay here with Boris- of course I wanna see!" He said, he turned towards the wolf after, "No offence Buddy" he added. Boris didn't seem to mind.

"Come on" Cheyenne said, stepping out of the elevator into the death filled room. "This place always used to give me the creeps" she said. "Even more than the rest of Chapter 3" Dylan nodded in agreement, also exiting the elevator.

The room was much darker as they observed their surroundings. It was quite, too quite. Normally, Alice would of spoke about her past, however. It was her future that was more important, now that it was gone.

"What are we supposed to do now that Alice is dead?" Dylan asked. "Isn't she the whole point of the chapter?"

Cheyenne thought for a moment, walking down the familiar steps, towards Alice. The item that they had both seen before, became clearer now that Cheyenne was closer.

"The Looking Glass?" she said, picking up the invention.

"What?" Dylan asked, coming to inspect the object. Cheyenne turned, the item still glowing in her hand.

"The Looking Glass" she said again.

"What? But how?" Dylan raised an eyebrow, "Can I touch it?" Cheyenne shrugged.

"If you want" she passed him the Looking Glass. It was small and square. In the centre a piece of somewhat ordinary glass that was set in a wooden frame, covered in lights and wires. It would of been ordinary, however, Cheyenne and Dylan both knew what this particular item did.

The teenage boy held it up to his face, looking through it.

"Does it work?" Cheyenne asked. Dylan shook his head making Cheyenne disappointed.

"No, maybe it only works when we get to Chapter 5" he said.

"Maybe" Cheyenne repeated his words. "Here, put it in my bag" she said, tossing the blue backpack onto the inky floor.

"Alright" he said, opening the zipper and placing it in. As he went to close the zip once more, something caught his eye. He reached back into the bag, pulling out a familiar piece of paper.

"Oh" Cheyenne Said, she had completely forgotten about the letter that was in there. "That's Henry's note from Joey-"

"No it's not" Dylan interrupted,

"What do you mean 'no'?" She asked. "It is"
Dylan shook his head.

"If it was then it's not anymore" he said. Cheyenne made a confused face and held her hand out, Dylan passed her the piece of crumpled up paper, as Cheyenne began to read it aloud:

"Dear Henry"

Cheyenne looked up unimpressed.

"Keep reading" Dylan said to her.

"It seems like forever since we last saw each other. 5 years really slips away, doesn't it?"

Cheyenne looked up, confused. "What?" She said. However she continued to read.

"If your back anytime soon, please consider visiting the old safe house. There's something I need to tell you.


"A.A?" Cheyenne repeated,

"Alice, duh" Dylan said, "I thought it would of been obvious"

"It is" Cheyenne Said. She stared at the note.

"...visiting the old safe house"

"That's in Chapter 5" Dylan announced,

"No shit Sherlock" she stared back at the elevator, Boris still waiting for them. Boris.

"Dylan, at the end of this chapter you know who kidnaps you know who" she glanced at Boris. "Meaning that we crash down to Level S"

"Yeah, ok, I'm with you" Dylan said, he wasn't really.

"However, now that Alice is dead, do you think the other Alice might be after Boris?" She questioned.

"Good Alice? No way! She wouldn't be after Boris" he said.

"Then, what?" Cheyenne said, her mind doing loops just trying to think of a scenario.

"Maybe, I don't know, she wants us" he theorised, "And by us I mean you"
Cheyenne thought about it,

"Maybe your right" she said, "I mean everyone is after me so maybe you might be on to something" Cheyenne Said. "However there's just one problem, if she does want us to go to the safe house, how do we get to it?" She glanced at the elevator, "There's got to be another way than just fucking up the lift"

"Yeah, your right, although..." Dylan trailed off as he was met, once again with Cheyenne's death glare.

"No way, I'm not risking it! I'm not risking him!" She said, "Not again..."

"Alright" Dylan said. "We'll find a way down there, without the risk" he said.

"But first" Cheyenne Said, "What do we do about her?" They both turned towards the corpse of Susie Campbell.

"Leave her?..." Dylan said. Cheyenne shrugged.

"I don't know, it feels wrong" she said.

"There's nothing we can really do Cheyenne, unless..." he stared at the ink covered girl.

"Unless what?" She asked.

"You consume her"

"What?! Eww!" She said. "No! No consuming dead cartoon characters" she said, walking away from the body.

"If you say so" Dylan said, following her back to the elevator.

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