Chapter eighty-three: Shadows and mistakes of the past

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The four awoke, afraid of what they would find.
But they found nothing out of the ordinary apart from darkness. The same desk, the same phone that would click on any second now, and the same...tape recorder?...

"What is that doing here?" Dylan asked, the other two shrugged. Dylan focused his attention on the phone, wondering why it hadn't turned on yet, that's when the faint 'click' of the button being press echoed through the dark room, as they heard not Phone Guy, but Tape Girl...
The three turned seeing the Nome pressing the on button for the tape recorder.

"I was told I had three days to finish Jeremy's work, but I know it's just passing the time. They don't really expect me to do anything, especially as I'm so busy caught up with family life and all, my daughter is coming in tomorrow to see what it's like to have a real job, I told her that I work to give entertainment for those who need it and she insisted on coming with me. It was a nice thing for me to do, and Dale didn't see to mind, 'he likes kids' so to say, so he didn't mind her coming in at all, as long as she wouldn't get in the way.

I was surprised, as soon as she came through the doors he lead her to the testing room and set her up with the headset letting her enjoy the games full access and capabilities. Something even I didn't realise at the time...

Dale told me it was just to keep up appearances until the buyout is complete and to get feed back from my daughter. So, we had to look like things were under control.

There's another potential development studio that wants to pick up from here, but who knows what kind of lies they're being fed to convince them to do it, against my better judgment, I'm going to do my best to see what's here, makes notes of it and try to isolate where this thing is hiding. At least then the next person that tests this, weather it be a colleague or my daughter when it's the next take your kid to work day, will have a chance of getting rid of it..."
The tape clicked to the next, the four eagerly waiting, terrified of the story and not wanting to be left on a cliffhanger:

"I saw it for the first time today, well I didn't really see it, my daughter did. She said there was a character standing in the hall, I thought it might of just been a bug so I let her continue playing it, making sure I made a note of it. But then she had watched it as it was walking in the window, so I looked at it and, she was right. It wasn't like Chica or Bonnie, it was actually looking in through the window, seeing what I was doing..."
Another click:

"Today was the last day of beta testing. Thanks to Dale's love for kids, he gave my daughter a copy of the game to bring home with her, I thought it wasn't a good idea as of the faulty coding but he just kept saying it was fine and ready to launch anyway, so there was no harm getting a new game early. So, I hooked it up and she began to play it almost immediately, not before I did though. The anomaly I had been seeing was nowhere to be found, so I let her play, but after some hours she began to act a little like Jeremy. So I went to work the following day and after seeing this, I inspected the files, and to my surprise saw that it had attached itself to these logs.
My logs.
That can't be an accident.
So now I have to make a choice.
Do I leave these logs here for you to find?
Or do I try to purge this thing myself by destroying the logs?

I've chosen the ladder..."
Another click as the third began to play:

"I can't delete them. By creating a protected area to store these logs apart from the game, I effectively gave this thing a safe place to hide itself. It's in here now.
I may not be able to delete it, but I might be able to do something else now that it's attached itself, I have an idea..."
The tape recorder clicked off as they were left in a cliffhanger once more.

"Oh come on! It was just getting good!" Cheyenne shouted at the recorder. "I wanna know!" She was cut off by a familiar voice:

"Uh, hello?!...Hello?! Hey good job! Night 5! I knew you could do it! Uh, sorry I didn't record last night, I was uh, dealing with...
The thing I'm supposed to tell you guys about!
So uh, to keep you updated, there's somewhat of an investigation going on. We may have to close for a few days...just a precaution though!
So we have put the building in lockdown. No one allowed in or out, uh, although good news, we may be able to put you in day shift. A place just became...available.
Uh, just a side note though, try to avoid eye contact with the animatronics, some may have tampered with their facial recognition systems- we're not sure. But the characters have been acting unusual. Almost aggressive to the staff...they're fine with kids it's just with adults they tend to...stare.
Anyway, have a good night and I'll try and keep you posted!"
The phone clicked off and they were left in darkness but not silence. The four turned to try and hear the bunch of gibberish they heard.

"Łįghtš ôût"

"Śhådòŵš àłŵàŷš śtíćk ãròüñd"
The three saw a pair of white smiles and glaring eyes, belonging to a rabbit and bear.

"Ít'ś mė...ít'š më..."

"Ím thè šhãdòŵ ŷōú fêãr"

"Híš pàśt ŵïłł àłŵàŷš rëtūrñ..."

"Ŵèłçòmé tø Fàżbêärš Fàmîłįèš Màšśčãrèd..."

"Ŵëłćõmę tò Fàźbèārš...à płâçë ŵhèrē fàñtãśŷ àñd fūń čòmê tò dïê..."

As the last word was said, both attacked them.

"No eye contact remember!" Alex yelled at the animatronics. But they didn't listen and kept on jump scaring before leaving them in the dark and silence once again.
But it wasn't.

"I have an idea. I ran a fragmentation program on the area of memory that was storing these logs from you. I effectively broke the files into pieces and broke the anomaly along with it. That means that you won't have my warnings to guide you, but hopefully, it also means that this anomaly, this virus or whatever it is, will remain broken and unable to do more damage..."
The tape clicked to the next file, but as it began to play they were met with another voice entirely, one they had heard several times before, warning them, guiding them, but most importantly...the one who started this:

"Hello?" They began, "You don't know me...yet. Mommy told me to go play with them so I did...and that was the last thing I did...
It wasn't them though, mommy warned me, she warned you too, now it's too late. I've obeyed and watched my nightmares come to life..."

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