Chapter eighty-seven: A suspect ignored

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Their eyes widened in fear...
what did that mean? Was the girl wanting to kill them or not?
This was getting way too confusing for the teenagers to handle. All they wanted to do was find their friend and go home.

"When do we get out of here?" Alex asked.
Cheyenne shrugged.

"Eight nights" Dylan said, "There are eight nights in this game"

"You have got to be kidding me?!" Cheyenne yelled, "Eight?! Thats more than a week's worth of torment!"

"Yeah! No way am I doing eight nights!" Alex agreed.
Dylan sighed, he didn't really want to do it either.

"We might have to" Dylan said, "Unfortunately, we don't get to decide"
Cheyenne also sighed, knowing Dylan was right. They didn't have any control over their torture, their horror, their adventure.

"We need a plan" Dylan summarised. "We need to complete at least one night" he said, "Maybe if we do, we'll know more about what's going on"
Cheyenne and Alex nodded, agreeing with them.

"So...what do we do?" Alex asked, looking at his friends for affirmation.

"Well we can't just survive, we've already tried that" Cheyenne said, "Or watching anime..." she added sadly.

"Yeah no point, and you are not doing that again" Dylan ordered.

"I won't...not unless I find a phone" Cheyenne said, sniggering slightly. It was Alex's turn to give her a death stare. "Okay, no phones" she said. They looked around the dark room, seeing only one way of escape, they way the nightmares came. Then they eyed the closet.

"Hide and seek with scary killer animatronics anyone?" Dylan asked his friends. They gave him a weary look before they nodded hesitantly, making their way over to the double doors of protection, planing and hopefully, peace. All four strolled inside, the last person checking the room before shutting the doors, blocking out all light.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Cheyenne asked.

"It is a wardrobe, it's not a fridge Cheyenne" Alex mentioned.

"Nope, definitely not because I see no food" Dylan said sarcastically and half jokingly. They laughed.

"I wish there was food" Alex said, he looked around seeing nothing but some clothes and toys inside with them. " least food isn't creepy" he added, noticing the plushies stuffed inside the confined space with them.

"They're probably fine..." Cheyenne tried to say positively, "No way would those creepy copies of the animatronics try to kill us, they're too cute" she said.
Dylan rolled his eyes.

"You wait until we probably go to Sister Location" he added warning them about the cute killers....or in their case, kidnappers.

"Uhhh" Cheyenne said, rather startled about the description Dylan had shared with them. "I'd rather not" she added. That's when they heard a creek of the floorboards outside, followed by heaving breathing.

"What the fuck was that" Alex whispered, slightly panicked as he was caught off guard.

"Death" Dylan and Cheyenne said in unison. The breathing got louder.
The footsteps closer.
The four backed up against the wall of the wardrobe, terrified that they might actually die this time. Trapped in a dark room in a darker and smaller space where no one could hear their screams. No one apart from the ghosts of the dead children...
Then music began to play. The familiar tune that crept along their spines causing them to shudder from the uncomfortable melody.

"Is that?..." Cheyenne trailed off as the doors fully opened, revealing a slender but scary sight.

Towering above them was none other than the Marionette. Black tears ran down its face as it revealed a row of razor sharp teeth, smiling down at them, a pattern of black and white stripes covering its body. The darkness, camouflaging it. The light, exposing it. Both symboling it's side. Good or bad.
Either worse than one another.

It stretched its long legs down, levelling with the teenagers, they sat there silent. Shivering in their school shoes. Cheyenne bit her lip, causing it to bleed. However, through her fear, a plan came to mind. The same darkness as the Marionette emerged from her elbows and arms. No sounds; no growls, came from the darkness. The darkness that contained the Ink Demon.

"Bendy" Cheyenne whispered, "Kill"
The Demon launched itself at the Puppet, his claw outstretched towards its head. It stopped. Inches away from the stringed animatronic's death.




After it had said that the three teenagers saw red once more, the outline of the Marionette disappearing from their view. Their Deaths surrounding them...again.

"It wasn't her...." they heard the Ghost Girl say...
"It was-" she was cut off by screaming. Her screaming.
Revealing the next night.
Their next torture.
His torture.

"What the fuck is that?!" Luke yelled to himself as the puppet stared at him, following his every movement. Staring into his trapped soul. It's darkness surrounding his new body.

"Hey! GET THE FuCK AWay FrOM Me!" Luke yelled to the animatronic.
But in a flash, only the darkness remained. Leaving him terrified...and angry.

"I always come back" Luke said, however it wasn't his voice. It was deeper, disoriented and frightening.
It wasn't Luke.
It was him...

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now