Chapter ninety: He's not here...

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They fell to the floor exhausted. Sort of. More like in shock. What had they just seen?
The murder of not one, but two kids?!
He really was a murderer.

"Anyone else confused to fuck about all this?" Cheyenne asked.
The two boys nodded.

"More than confused" Alex said, "My brain hurts" he added.

"Same here" Dylan agreed, "And I thought I knew the jist of the game and it's story" he said.

"Well now you don't" Cheyenne said, looking at him with a small smile. "Welcome to the twisted world of FNAF" she added, crossing her arms. "Where everything goes to shit and hell breaks loose, especially through doors" she added.
She was cut off by Alex, looking around frantically.

"Uhh guys? Has anyone seen Grayson?" He asked them.
They all shook their heads and stared at the place where they last saw him, the Nome himself and the blanket gone.

"Grayson?!" Cheyenne shouted now panicked. "Grayson?! Where are you?! I've...I've got cheese!" She said, trying to bribe the creature to come out of his hiding place.

"Don't you mean a saus-" Dylan was cut off by Cheyenne's death stare.

"We don't talk about the sausage" she threatened through gritted teeth. Dylan put his hands up in surrender, sorry he asked.

"Ok ok, I get it no sausage" he said.
Alex wanted to laugh but restrained it by biting his lip, one thing he knew about Cheyenne is that you should never piss her off by doing anything stupid, clumsy or causes her to panic.
Like she was now.

She barged her way out of the room and down the corridor, calling out his name every few seconds.

"Annnnnd we're dead!" Dylan said sarcastically.
Alex gave him a confused look.

"How come?" He asked the other boy.

"Oh come on! She's shouted for a start, totally not going to attract any killer animatronics our way. And she's on her own!" Dylan responded.

"What's that got to do with it?" Alex asked.

"The number one rule of anything horror?:
Don't split up and go by yourself" he answered.

"Riiiiggghht" Alex replied.
There was silence for a second. "Should we go after her?" Alex questioned.

"Yeah!" Dylan said nodding his head as the boys fled down the corridor after Cheyenne who was starting to act like an overprotective mother.

The two heard from downstairs. "Grayson! Please come back!"
The two boys came rushing down the stairs and into the living room to see Cheyenne looking down the back of the sofa, calling the creatures name.

"Grayson!" She yelled.
Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Geez Cheyenne I know he's small but not that small" Dylan said as he saw Bendy emerge from underneath the sofa.
Cheyenne turned to face him.

"What were you saying?" She asked, a stern look on her face.

"Never mind..." Dylan trailed off as the Demon came face to face with him. Sniffing him, then turning his attention to the TV.
Alex gave him a worried look. After the last incident that involved a TV, Alex didn't want to find out what that one played.

"Uhhh" Alex said, Dylan looked over, feeling the same way.

"At least there isn't a piano..." he tried to joke.
He gave a fake and awkward chuckle slowly fading into the silence, the only other thing filling it was Cheyenne's calls for the Nome.
She jumped off the sofa and raced through the kitchen and through another door, the other two following and slowly starting to join in, trying to make Cheyenne feel better.

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