Chapter ninety-seven: Unanswered and unVanny

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They wished that they were smaller to all fit inside the office. It was an uncomfortable place to be in, and made it even more horrible for them to endure the horrors they would hear and see.

"Why do we have to do this...again?" Alex said to his peers.
Dylan and Cheyenne sighed, Cheyenne especially as she didn't want to explain her theory all over again.

"We have to do this so we can save Luke and free the Ghost Girl from Glitchtrap" she said. "Would you like me to tell you to how again?"
Cheyenne asked.
Alex nodded, but Dylan interrupted.

"-You didn't tell us how" he said.

"I know" Cheyenne replied, "Because I don't know...very much" she said.

"Then what do you know?" Alex asked her.

"I know that if we collect the tapes not only will it summon Glitchtrap but make the nights go faster, what I also know is that he will try and merge with us, which is not a good thing as he wants to escape" she added.

"I thought this wasn't your dimension?" Dylan said to her.

"It's not, but once you've got your head around all of the information and lore stuff then it sort of makes sense. Like, don't get me wrong there still are a lot of unanswered questions not only from the fan base but also from us and this dimension" Cheyenne explained. "I just hope that we do get some of the answers that I've been wanting for- well forever" she said. "Oh, and the ones from this dimension too of course" she finished.
Dylan and Alex nodded in agreement.

"But if we are going to get out of here faster, where is the next tape?" Dylan asked. Cheyenne looked around, searching in drawers and under papers but couldn't find it at all.

"I don't know" Cheyenne answered as the others began searching.

"I can't find it" Alex implied.

"Nor can I" Dylan said. They looked at the door, the open metallic doors on either side of them, realising they hadn't been doing their tasks. Two large, brightly coloured robots stood in front of them. One with long purple ears, the other with a orange beak.

"We have seen them, the ones he shouldn't of killed" they said.

"The one she should of replaced"

"The one who-"
They were cut off by singing. A familiar tone of a girl, a small child.
And they all knew who she was:

"Don't worry! I'm ready! It'll be fun!"

"No one suspects anything"

" I was the one...that was not fun"

"It is no longer fun..."

"Because I was the one"

"The one who fell from his work being done"

"No I am not the son"

"I am not his loved one"

"I am the one who outran his work"

"His work that causes him to lurk"

"His work that has to be done with a killer's smirk"

"I am unVanny"

"I have selected one"

"And now that he has got his way..."
"His work is done"

The three looked around, wondering if the ghost was in the room with them. But there was nothing. Only the unmoving animatronics, blocking their way out.
But not moving.

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