Chapter fifty-two: A long story

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Nothing but Alex's own will to live made him not scream in terror, biting his lip didn't seem to help his situation as the janitor searched for his location with his hands, his murder weapon as the fanbase had theorised, however he hadn't actually been seen to kill any children, only to wrap them in what the chef's would call wrapping paper and give the gifts to the guests to fulfill their Hunger. Something only a true killer would like to receive.

As he felt the elevator go up, Alex's hope went down as the Janitor's hands came closer to their destination.

As Alex's breath began to get heavier, whatever Leader or Savory had answered Alex's prayer, meaning he was saved by the bell. Like in school when the teacher was looking away and the bullies were about to throw something at you, the bell would ring and you would be saved. This was like that.

Mr. Tickles froze as the doors to the elevator, to Alex's bigger cage, had opened. The Janitor turned towards the exit, leaving as Alex watched the long limbed creature drag his arms behind him. Alex waited for a moment before stepping out of the cage, balancing himself with his hand on top of the doorway of the cage, his one biggest mistake.

Alex felt his weight being lifted for a second before his body collided with the floor, however, his yell of pain was covered by the crashing of the cage as it met with the floor.

"Shit" was all that Alex said before he heard the howl of the Janitor as he raced towards him.
All that Alex could do was stare, before the pain awakened his senses.

Another roar warned Alex how close he was to Death and before he knew it, Mr. Tickles had found him.
But not for long.

Through Alex's fear, it had seemed to awaken a unusual amount of flexibility in him, and although Mr. Tickles waved his arms and hands around aimlessly, they didn't grab the boy. Quick thinking struck Alex as he used this newfound agility to doge the Janitor.

It was like a slow motion action film, time seemed to slow down as Alex made contact with the floor, sliding across it, just barely avoiding the arm of Mr. Tickles. Alex rose to his feet in triumphant as he now stared at the back of the long limbed Janitor, but not for long.
Alex guessed that he had been brought here because he knew all about the gameplay and strengths and weaknesses of the characters.

And what did know about Mr. Tickles?
He was fast on his little feet.

Alex burst into a run, all his fear overwhelming his physical and mental state, the only thing he could do now was run.

He passed several atmospheric views. Some, he wished he could of saw if he hasn't been so foolish. If he would of waited. He should of known, Little Nightmares was a game made for patience. He continued running, passing through doorway after doorway. It seemed like a neverending tunnel, then, he caught the glimpse of two familiar faces.

"HOLY SHIT" Cheyenne yelled as she finally caught up with her friend.

"Well I wasn't expecting this!" Dylan yelled, he too also running.


"BATIM?!" Alex yelled back, although he didn't have to. Cheyenne gave him a look.

"YOU DON'T WHAT TO KNOW!" She yelled. Alex nodded getting the signal, and even if he wanted to know, now was not the time.
Luckily for him, an elevator made Cheyenne stop yelling... As quiet as she was.

"AN ELEVATOR!" Cheyenne yelled even louder than before, making Alex and Dylan cover their ears.

"Yeah! Now do you mind not making me deaf, I would like to hear when I am about to die thanks!" Dylan tried to joke.


"I'm ok thanks, if anything I'd rather not die at all" Dylan replied.

"Well you say that now..." Cheyenne said, finally not shouting. Dylan gave her a confused look. "Not now!" Cheyenne said as the three of them raced to the elevator. They looked up at the button, Then down at themselves.

"Damn it! I knew I was always short but this is just shortism!" Dylan said, a not so happy look on his face.

"Same her" Cheyenne agreed. She stared up at the button again, "But how are we supposed to-" she was cut off by the elevator doors opening, Cheyenne and Dylan stared at Alex.

"How?!" They said in unison. Another roar broke off their conversation.

"-No time! Just get in!" Alex said shoving the two teens inside.

They turned quickly, once inside the metal walls, to see an angry Mr. Tickles racing towards them.

"Quick! Shut it!" Cheyenne yelled in fear, staring at Alex. It was up to him to save his friends. To set them free.

He jumped up, just managing to reach the close button and, outstretched his arm to press it. He did, and q small"ding" rang out as the doors closed.
They all took a breath of relief as the Janitor disappeared from their sight.

Then, the elevator gave a large groan as the four metallic walls creaked and the doors were ripped open, revealing Mr. Tickles' arms. The three screamed in surprise and fear.

"Looks like he's not done with us!" Dylan yelled, "And I thought I said that I didn't want to die today!"

"Same here!" Cheyenne agreed, dodging the flailing arms of the Maw's Janitor. "Alex, what did you do?!" Cheyenne questioned.

"Wait! Don't tell me, you stole this guy's salt shaker and made a mess"

"No! Although I might later if we get out of here alive!" Alex said, an idea coming to his mind of all the different ways he could steal a salt shaker.

"Do something!" Cheyenne yelled, making Alex come back to this nightmare.

"That's it!" Cheyenne yelled, doing a tuck and roll to avoid getting captured. He landed on his unstable feet, a device in his mind.
"YOUR ABOUT TO WITNESS THE POWER OF THE TWO MOST ICONIC VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS IN THE WHOLE WORLD!-" Dylan yelled being cut off by Mr. Tickles' arm trying to reach out for him. Dylan successfully doged, putting the device to his face, a moment passed and a bright white plasma beam shot out from the device, causing the creatures limbs to be disected from his body. One last roar erupting from his Janitor announced that he had retrieted in pain.
The three teenagers looked down at the twitching arms a few feet away from them compulsing and juttering on the floor, trying find their way back to there owner.
Dylan and Cheyenne stared at eachother with a wild smile of disgust on their face. While Alex stared in horror, looking up at his friend;

"Dylan... Do you know_" Alex was cut off by Cheyenne hand covering his mouth "Hmm! Hat -as that zor!" He said through Cheyenne's cupped hand.

"Not now" Cheyenne warned, slowly releasing her hand.

"What do you mean?" Dylan questioned. Cheyenne gave him a concerned look.

"Uhhh..." Cheyenne said, "A potato flew across the room..."
Dylan looked around cluelessly.

"JOE?!" Dylan yelled, "THE FUCK YOU DOING HERE?!"
Alex shook his head.

"No" Alex took in a deep breath,

"Your a skeleton" Cheyenne and Alex said in unison.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Dylan yelled in fright, then a smile appeared on his face. Cheyenne sighed.

"You knew didn't you" Cheyenne said. Dylan laughed,

"I think I would know if I were dead" the boy said.

"How?!" Alex asked, Cheyenne and Dylan looked at him with a longing look.

"It's a long story" Cheyenne said.

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