Chapter thirty- two: The Looking Eye

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To their surprise they had managed to, yet again, be surprised by this game. There stood in the havoc of the games room was none other than Tom Boris, his axe making contact with any wood that he saw and although he had no facial espressions, Cheyenne guessed an angry look would be on his face right about now.

"Geez, I know that Tom was known for being defensive but never destructive" Dylan tried to joke, Cheyenne knew he was nervous as he always made jokes whenever he was.

"Yeah" Cheyenne nodded in agreement, "But why?" She asked, "He normally keeps his cool, I've never seen him like this before" she continued.

"We never did" Dylan mention, "Well, until now..." he stared at the wolf a few feet ahead of them, still trying to splinter a target from the game, 'Bull's-eye Bonanza'.
Cheyenne was greatful that he did so, it was the most annoying game of them all, tied in first with the bottle throw.

"I swear, if we ever met Henry I am going to teach him how to fucking throw" Cheyenne thought to herself.

"Should we stop him?" Dylan asked, they both stared at each other, knowing that they would stand there for eternity watching the fairground game get beaten to shit for their own enjoyment, but they knew that they needed to get out of here. Dylan especially, as Cheyenne's sanity depended on it.

"I guess so" Cheyenne said a little sadly, "We don't want him to beat the shit out of everything" she said, even though what she had in mind was something she wished he did. Dylan nodded and the two teenagers slowly began to approach the wolf.

"Tom?" Cheyenne said cautiously, taking one step after the other, "Tom" She repeated, after the third time, the wolf turned towards her, his metal arm and figure making a clunky sound as he did so. The wolf raised his axe, threatening the two of them.

"Woah!" Cheyenne said, putting her hands up in surrender, "We're not here to harm you, we want to end this like you" she said, the wolf loosened his grip on the axe for a second, making it rattle, "We want this to go away like you" she said, "We want to be set free as well"
The wolf lowered his axe fully, stepping back as he gave Dylan a look of suspicion. Cheyenne saw this and said;

"He's with me, he means no harm. If anything he means more joy than harm" she said making her friend smile,

"Well, you know I am a jokester" he replied, taking the complement. The wolf turned his attention away from Dylan, suggesting that he was ok with the other person.

"What happened here?" Cheyenne asked, although she could probably guess. Tom turned towards an open doorway across the room. Cheyenne stared at it in horror. "You have got to be kidding me..." she said rolling her eyes in disgust. "It's just the nature of us projectionists to seek out the dark places" she quoted. "Dark places and trouble" she added, "I should of known he would make an appearance in this chapter."

"The projectionist?" Dylan said, "What does that old fashioned camera have to do with-" he stopped, getting the idea. "Ohhhhh" he said after realising the relationship between the wolf and video screen. Cheyenne knew he would understand as he had read the book.

"That walking piece of inky shit!" He said in annoyance. Cheyenne glanced at Tom's mechanical arm. He was the reason for it no longer being a friendly, helping hand, or in this case glove. A pang of guilt went through her as she remembered the scene where Alice had to adjust his arm back into place as Tom Boris had gone adventuring into the studio and had to fight for his life with the Ink Demon, and it was her fault that she wouldn't get to see him, or meet him.

The wolf looked down for a second, then glanced back up to another doorway. Cheyenne sighed in annoyance;

"Is he still...Alice?" She asked, Tom nodded and looked at his arm.
They both knew what this meant.

"Do you have a spare axe?" Dylan asked. Tom shook his head again looking at the axe in his hand. "I guess that's a no" Dylan said.

"Greaaaaat!" Cheyenne said sarcastically,

"We're fucked" Dylan finished. They stood in silence for a second before Dylan remembered.
"Maybe I don't need an axe" he said, Cheyenne gave him a confused look, he reached into his pocket, pulling out Sans' eye, the colour glowing faintly in the dim light. Tom raised his axe in which Cheyenne guessed would be in shock and disgust. "When we were opening the secret door with the inky hands, the eye started to glow then, it's blue mist was attacking the hands" Dylan said.
"So maybe if I get this to work, I can use this instead of an axe" Dylan said,
Cheyenne nodded then questioned,

"But how are you going to get it to work?" She asked, Dylan shrugged, passing her the eye. She examined it from all angles, wondering how it would work.
"Maybe you have to put it in your eye" Cheyenne said, she gaged at the thought of it.

"No way!" Dylan replied, "Not even in this dimension will I ever put that near my eye, yet alone in it!"

"Fair point" Cheyenne agreed, she didn't really think that would work anyway. "Then what about-" she was cut off by a rattling noise in her bag. "What was that?" She asked a little startled. It rattled again and Cheyenne threw off her bag, afraid.

"Cheyenne? What's in your bag?" Dylan questioned,

"I-I don't know, but whatever it is get it out!" She trembled, slowly, Dylan approached the ink covered bag, the rustling continued covering the sound of his heavy breathing, he began to unzip the carrier cautiously, not wanting to frighten or disturb the thing inside. Suddenly, the thing flung itself out of the bag, Dylan jumping back in surprise as it did so and began to hover in midair.

"The Looking Glass?" Dylan and Cheyenne said in unison, somehow, the four friends, the other two missing, over the years always managed to finish each other's sentences. It seemed to be their key feature within their group.

"Why is it floating?" Cheyenne asked, almost on queue, the eye slipped out of the girls hand and also began to float and blue mist began to surround the Looking Glass, pulling it closer to it, like a magnet.

It was a like watching a cutscene from a game, but instead of the narrator telling you the story, it was followed with shocked faces and gasps, as the two items connected together and after a mini blue explosion, the two items became one.

"Woah" Dylan said as he stared at it in awe while reaching out to grab the handle.

"Cool" Cheyenne added, "How does it-" she was cut off again by a plasma-like beam shooting out of the glass of the device. It lit up the whole room as it hit the already destroyed target shooting game with a loud 'ClASh'.
They waited a second, holding their breaths as a puff of smoke emerged from the pile of wood followed by flames. The three stood there, watching it burn, Dylan having a look of horror mixed with astonishment on his face, Cheyenne, a gaping smile on hers, and Tom. A never changing blank expression on his. And after waiting for what felt like an eternity, Cheyenne finally shouted;

"FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF ANGER ISSUES SHIT! I HOPE THE DEMON ENJOYS YOU BURNING IN THIS HELL!" She shouted at the game, pointing at it as it burnt into nothing but ashes, she looked like Luke as she did so.
Soon after Dylan joined in;

"YEAH! FUCK YOU! I'VE GOT THE POWER OF SANS AND ALICE ON MY SIDE!" He said, turning to Cheyenne "Sorry, I've just really wanted to do that"
Cheyenne waved her hand,

"Don't worry, I think we all wanted to watch it burn" Cheyenne replied. Dylan laughed at this.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Well at least we now have something other than an axe...just try not to bring the whole studio down" Cheyenne warned.

"Noted" Dylan mentioned, placing the Looking Glass through a loop of his school trousers. "Ok, now that we have an Overpowered weapon, let's go kick some ass!" He said cheerfully.

They approached the doorway, Cheyenne knew what was beyond it, but that didn't stop them. They continued on, gripping their weapons tightly as they passed through the door.
They knew what was beyond it.
They knew what was waiting for them.
But what they weren't ready for was...


The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu