Chapter twenty-nine: Leading the lost

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"Cheyenne!" She heard. "Fuck! I knew something like this would happen!"

In the distance, she heard footsteps coming towards her. Her head pounded, everything hurt.

"Cheyenne!" She heard again, making her mind spin. Where was she? What was she doing here?

"Who are you?" She said to the boy in front of her. He looked at her in shock.

"You know who I am" he said. Somehow, he seemed familiar to her, his brown hair and blue eyes, but she could quite figure out who he was. The boy continued to look at her in confusion, then realisation hit.

"Your forgetting" he said, "Damn, this game really does fuck you up" he clenched her arm, "We need to get out of here" he said, dragging the girl to the now open door, through it was a dark cliff and a cart that would take them to the other side.

"Ok now the bridge" he said, he glanced at his friend, she was still not herself. Looking around cluelessly at every little thing they walked past. The boy turned back to the bridge, strangely, it was already fixed and set up for them.

"Henry?" Dylan said, "Did you do this?"
There was no reply. The boy shrugged it off and helped the two of them in the carrier. It was small and cramped, however, they both seemed to fit and very slowly, it started to move.

Dylan was filled with anxiety as he looked down below at the never ending darkness. He knew very little about the bridge as it wasn't a big detail, however one thing was for certain that many people were scared at this-

The cart stopped, the darkness underneath them surrounded them, taunting them with its mysterious silence. It was horrible, the place was quite as the two waited.
Nothing but breathing filling the emptiness. Then, after a few seconds, the cart gave a loud groan and continued to move forward. As it came to a stop, Dylan looked ahead of them, a wooden door hiding their path, however, before he continued there was something he needed to see first.

He helped Cheyenne out of the cart, she took his hand cautiously, as if she trusted him but didn't. It hurt Dylan a little, he came behind her, looking at her very ruined bag, covered in black ink and scratches, he was surprised that it was still in one piece, he opened it, taking out the Looking Glass carefully as he did so and made his way over to the stack of boxes placed in the corner. He leaned in close and lifted the device up towards him, hoping that it would show. It did. On the side, he saw a little heart.

It was an Easter egg to the game, Portal. Dylan thought that maybe he might go there next, once they got out of here. However, the next thing that came to his mind was that the Looking Glass was working.

"Why now?" He asked, he turned the device over in his hands, looking for a clue that would give him an answer to why it had worked, unfortunately, there was nothing. With a look of confusion on Dylan's face, he returned it to Cheyenne, putting it in her bag.

"Where are we?" She asked him, he sighed.

"You should know this, you're the one who got transported here" Dylan replied. He took her arm gently and began to walk towards the door, opening it.

Inside was a small, dim corridor that made Dylan very claustrophobic. The perfect place for a jumpscare.

"Ok don't shit yourself " Dylan said, as he walked down it, clutching Cheyenne's arm as he did so.

"This is fine-" he was cut off by probably a thousand hands bursting through the wall, reaching for the two friends.

"SHIT!" He yelled in fear. Cheyenne however, remained unfazed. The hands tried desperately to grab onto them, waving their hands and stretching their arms further into the already small corridor.

"Fuck!" Dylan yelled, "What do I do?!"
His question was answered by a flash of blue light, no. Mist. The blue strands wrapped themselves around the inky arms, making them disappear, somehow, Dylan recognised the substance from somewhere. That's when he remembered, he glanced down at his pocket, a faint blue light emerging from it, he reached his hand into the side of his school trousers, revealing Sans' eye. The same mist that he had saw when the skeleton had given it to him, escaped it now, attacking the limbs. A smile came to Dylan's face as the glowing reflected in his eyes.

"Sans" he whispered. But it was soon stopped by a flash of yellow light.

She felt light for a second, before seeing her surroundings. However, that still didn't stop the voices.

"He will set us free"

"No angels!"

"I still remember my name..."

Her name? What was her name? She thought for a while trying to remember, Ch? Chey?

"Cheyenne!" She heard again. That was it. Then it hit her.

"Dylan!" She yelled as the voices faded completely, bringing herself back into this world.

"Cheyenne! Is it really you this time?" He asked her, the sight of the boy was relieving, but what did he mean?

"What?" She asked. The boy sighed.

"When Alex lost his keys and couldn't find them, where did you say to look?"

"His blazer, to see if he had misplaced them as locker keys are crafty little shits" She replied, a smile came to Dylan's face.

"It is you" he said.

"Of course it's me? Who else would it be? Alice? Sammy? Heck, maybe Boris?" She said sarcastically.

"Nah, wouldn't expect anyone other than you" he said, a small blush came to his face. He knew Cheyenne would appreciate that, he saw her blush too, after all he though she would need some support after all she had been through and he meant it. Only her could truly understand his cringy jokes and bad humour, only her could help him get through this hell, they would both help each other, seeing as that what friends do.

"Same" she said after a while, "Although I wouldn't mind Alex or Luke either"
Dylan laughed.

"Yeah as long as he's not attacking me and doors" he joked. They both laughed at that, something that had felt like forever and continued to walk down the corridor.
As they came passed the doorway a familiar voice greeted them.

"I see you there" they heard, "I don't think that I have met you yet, but I know of you"
A laugh erupted from somewhere.
"You're the one everyone's been talking about. The one that he wants..."
"That he needs..." a chill ran up their spines as the two teens began to climb the stairs.
"Oh don't worry, I know..."
There was another laugh.
"Your Angel is always watching"

"You killed our Angel" Cheyenne said, "With cruelty and jealously" she said, "She is Alice Angel! Not you!"

"I suggest you stay quite, Leader, otherwise your freedom will descend even deeper into this hell than it already is..." Alice replied.
There was silence for a moment.

"Is that what keeps you going? The thirst for your freedom? Or just a little, friendly...wolf!"
Another laugh.

"Geez, she's just as bad as Sammy" Dylan whispered, Cheyenne nodded in agreement.

"I'd better hurry, Leader..."
"Boris is having trouble staying in one piece..."
They heard her laugh for a final time before the voice was gone.

"Son of a bitch" Cheyenne said, "When I find her, she's gonna have trouble staying in one piece" she said, "Then we'll see who perfect then" she finished as they made their way up the last flight of stairs. A door beyond that.
Cheyenne glanced at Dylan nervously,

"Do you think they'll be like Sammy with me?" She asked. They both knew what was beyond that door, they also both knew that this could go either one of two ways...

"Doubt it, Sammy's the insane one, they'll just stare" he said. Cheyenne nodded and slowly approached the door.

With one shaky hand she turned the doorknob and was met with a much worse sight than they had anticipated...

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