Chapter twenty-eight: The power of insanity

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"They told me I was perfect!"

"I can always tell."

"Alice ooh, she doesn't like liars..."

"No angles! He will set us free"

"It's just the nature of us projectionists to seek out the dark places"

"I want to go home.."

"He's just looking for trouble.."

"Only two weeks and it's already gotten interesting."

"Just keep dreaming!"

"Well trouble or not, I see everything"

"Joey is a man of ideas..."

"Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming!"

"They don't even know I'm watching"

"Instead I give and he takes"

"And only ideas..."

"I know how to avoid being bothered by the likes of"

"The creator lied to us"

"On the plus side I've got a new character I think people are going to love..."

"Even when I'm right behind them..."

It was all a blur. Nothing but darkness.

"Cheyenne! Wake up!"
The voices, they were everywhere.

And nowhere.

"Please! It's Boris!"
But. My head.

"He's gone!"
It seemed to be the only place that knew.

What was going on.

I finally opened my eyes to the same dim light I had been seeing for who know how long, the same cardboard like walls, the same wooden floor, the same old studio that we would probably never escape out of. But no, like Alice had always said,

"There's still hope"

The same iconic posters that were placed randomly, and Dylan. That was one thing that would never get old.

"Thank the god who is the god of this place!" Dylan joked, Cheyenne sat up slowly, looking around as she did so, everything was the same. Apart from the writing on the walls.
It looked like a madman had been in here, like Sammy, everywhere there was writing, not one place was free from the black ink. Some of it seemed to be readable, like numbers and equations and words like 'taxes' and 'money.'

This, is the office of Grant Cohen, the accounting and finance officer. Or was.

"You ok?" Dylan asked, she looked up at him.

"Yeah, apart from all this" she said sarcastically, "The elevator-"


"So much for getting down here without causing even more hell than there is" Cheyenne said,

"Chapter four?" She continued.

"Uh Huh" Dylan replied, Cheyenne's eyes widened.



"Shit." Was all that Cheyenne said, before getting to her unstable feet. "Alice?" She asked.

"You guessed it" Dylan said.

"But how?! She was dead!"

"Was dead." Dylan replied, "Think about it, her body disappeared the first time so maybe it was a fake" he said, "You know how Alice has an obsession with cloning things" he said.

The adventures of the Horror Gang: The horrors withinWhere stories live. Discover now