Chapter seventy-seven: A rabbit in a viruis' hands

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"Uhh, Hello?!...Hello? Hey! Hey, wow day 4. I knew you guys could do it.
But uh, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow-"

There was banging in the background.

"-It's been a bad night for me. I'm kinda glad that I recorded these messages for you all when I did. But uh, hey! Do me a favour-"

There was more banging.

"-Maybe sometime, you could check inside those suits in the back room?"

More banging.

"-I always wondered what was in those empty heads back there-"

There was a chime.

"-you know..."

There was a groan in the background, followed by a large screech and then static.
The Phone Guy's unfinished message clicked off, leaving the teenagers to ponder on his, maybe dying, wish.

"Check inside those suits in the back room?" Cheyenne quoted. "But where is it?"

"Never mind where it is don't you know what this means?" Dylan said, Alex shook his head.
"We have to get out of here!"

"Why?" Cheyenne and Alex asked.

"Because, if there's one thing I know about this game it's that we will die as the nights go along as they get harder" Dylan said.

"But they're all dead" Cheyenne said, implying to the unmoving animatronics on the stage. "Aren't they?"

"Not all of them" he said and pointed to Bonnie.

"Ah, shit!" Alex said, "That means we have to go through this one more time?"
Dylan nodded.

"Because it's what we have to do" he said, sitting down at the desk and turning to a different screen. "No closing doors, no turning on lights, we just have to sit and wait" he said.

"For our deaths?!" Cheyenne said, "Thanks but no thanks, I don't want to be stuffed into a suit"

"I know, why don't we call the police" Alex said and picked up the phone. Then he stopped. "There's no 9" he said.

"What?" Cheyenne asked and looked at the phone. What Alex said had been corrected, there was no 9. Turns out there was no 1, 8, 7 or 3 either.

"That's strange" she said. "Try calling a different number" she said.

"Alright" Alex said and dialled the numbers 2, 5, 0 and 4. The phone clicked to life as a familiar voice came out of it.

"Hello? If your listening to this you must of messed with the phone, I knew you guys would.

You see...not everything at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria is 'fantasy and fun' especially not that other place...The truth is that although Freddys is a place for kids to enjoy themselves, not every child got that wish...
So I saw."

The phone said;

"In fact, if you get my other message, you should probably go and see just what exactly this place is like, oh and uh, if you don't know where that is, it's next to the main restaurant.

I just wish you luck on making it out alive in there...

Oh and one last thing: congrats on making it to day 5. You know, not may people make it this far and you lot, well, let's say I'm impressed...
Anyway, I better go, never know when one of those things will stuff me, so uh, I guess...I'll talk to you tomorrow....

If that comes for me...
Good night you lot and be careful"

The phone clicked off, leaving the four to stare in silence. The Nome tugged on Dylan's dirty shirt, bringing him and the rest of them out of their grieving state.

"Yeah?" The boy questioned, he was in no mood for another adventure, or hugs, he wanted to stay so he could be rid this final robot and go home. The Nome pointed at the door. The three teens looked at it, worried if the 'stalker' was there.

"Is it there?" Cheyenne asked, Alex slowly crept up to the button and pressed it quickly.

"That's strange" Dylan said, "Normally, Bonnie is quite aggressive"

"Maybe it knows that we want to kill it" Alex said, turning back to his friends.
Cheyenne shrugged.

"Dylan, can I have a go on the cameras?" She asked. Dylan nodded.
He moved out of the seat to let her sit down, pointing at some buttons to change to a certain camera.

"You'll get the hang of it" Dylan said, "Just don't play with them too much, otherwise you'll kill the power" he said.

"Ok" Cheyenne replied and started to fiddle with some buttons. "This is fun" she said, actually enjoying herself for once.

"Yeah" Dylan said, turning to Alex. "So uh, do you think that we'll get out of here when this is done?" Dylan said.
Alex nodded.

"Hopefully, otherwise I think I'll cry" he said, "I don't want to die..."

"Right" Dylan agreed. That's when the boys saw something out of the corner of their eyes.

"What was that?" Dylan said, turning towards the door.

"Bonnie?" Alex said, there was a giggle.
Dylan shook his head, feeling a gust of wind hit him as an enemy quickly ran past the doors and down the corridor.

"I don't think that's Bonnie" Dylan said to the other boy.

"Uhhh guys" Cheyenne said, spinning in the chair to face them. "Who's that?"
The pair look over her shoulders to see an unfamiliar character.

A white rabbit, patches of pink also messily stitched into the fabric skipped slowly down a corridor, a large knife in her hand. The ends of the bright blue bow around her neck, catching the wind as it did so, her floppy ears doing the same. The three didn't recognise the character, it wasn't an animatronic, no robotic parts on it, but it also wasn't the other suit they had seen before.
As the three stared, Dylan looked at its eyes, a familiar shade of pink and red. He couldn't help but remember seeing them before...
It passed another camera, all of them catching a glimpse at the oversized smile on the costume, the same smile that the other suit wore, except less psychotic.
But it's eyes replaced the smile.
The killer's smile.

They heard it giggle once more before it was gone. The same green surrounded the creature, but it didn't let it consume it. It struggled against the virus, before the suit fell to the floor leaving the familiar sight of the ghost. Crying.

"What the?-" Cheyenne said, looking at the girl in shock. She tried to turn to a different camera to get a closer look, they all jumped when the Spirit Box came to life.

"Liar" it said again. "Stuffed" followed by, "Don't let him out"

The three stared at the ghost miserably, that's when they saw another flash out of the corner of their eyes. They all turned, seeing Bonnie tower over them.
They all screamed.

"SHIT!" Dylan said, pulling out his Looking Eye and blasting it at Bonnie. The animatronic collapsed to the ground, a hole in his 'soul area.'

They all stared in horror.

"Fucking hell!" Cheyenne said, "Don't do that!" Cheyenne pointed at the robot, as the portal opened, revealing the exit, the four cheered, happy that this was over.

"Let's get out of here" Dylan said, walking through the portal, the others joining him.
However, what they didn't notice was the box crackling to life once more:

"Die" it said, "Your fun is over, you will obey"

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