Chapter fourty-eight: Hide and scream

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They fled up the stairs, terrified. The scuffling of the Nome as he tried to not loose his balance. As Alex dragged him up the stairs, was painful to him.

"Please" The boy begged, his heart pounding, "We need to" he was cut off by heavy breathing, his eyes widened in fear as he followed the sound and saw a true horror below. "Get down!" He whispered to his friend, he did, and huddle into Alex, like a penguin. He could feel the creature shivering so, to calm both there nerves, he put his arm around them , holding them tightly. He pointed to the last step, hoping that the Nome knew what he meant. The creature nodded, in agreement and the two of them ascended upwards, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Stay down there, stay down there..." Alex prayed as he heard the breathing getting closer. "Shit" Alex whispered as they climbed faster, the metal making contact with their feet, the sound echoing, making the Janitor notice their presence.
They continued to run, the Janitor fully acknolwdaging that their were two other beings in the room, and chased after them.

"Hurry, under the bed" Alex commanded and the two friends dove under the metal frame, holding their breaths as they heard the arrival of their kidnapper.
Alex put his fingers to his lips, gesturing for the Nome to be quiet, he copied his actions as the breathing became more like a growl.
Moments turned into seconds, then minutes, then what felt like hours. Alex peeked out from under the bed, now that his eyes had adjusted to the dark he saw beds, lots of them all alined in a row.
Covered in bloodstains and decay...

"Fuck this" Alex said in shock, he felt the Nome him from behind.
"It's okay" Alex lied, this was definitely not ok.
"What the actual fuck !" The boy was cut off by more heavy breathing.
"You have got to be kidding me!"
The two friends hid back within the shadows and hoped that they would survive.

Alex's own breathing was the only thing that counted the seconds that it would take for his heart to explode out of his chest with fear and anticipation, every now and then he caught a glimpse of the Janitor's misshaped fingers searching the floor as they slowly wiggled towards him. It was almost elegant as he watched them fill the gap between them, untill Alex couldn't take it anymore, the tension had killed him, and a scream escaped his lips.

There was no option, only the cold fingertips of Death as it enclosed on him.
Then nothing but darkness...
And light...

No, a bag.

"Nome!" Alex yelled trying to peek through the mesh of the carrier.
"Save me!" Was his final words before his malnourished state consumed his organs.

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